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Might is always right, always just..

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How the mighty fall. Once Britannia not just ruled the waves but plundered resources at will in less developed, third world countries for self fulfilment, thus reinforcing the idea we were indeed a chosen race.


Now the once powerful is just another vassal, but with according to the propaganda, with a special relationship. Unfortunately the new master race sees all vassals as subservient, and the special relationship is just one way. We now pay tribute to the new empire, the USA. But paying tribute is now what it was. To deceive the British population of the vassal status, tribute is paid in a new way. We buy expensive, ridiculous, and unusable goods from the new KING. Trident in all its magnificence is necessary for our defence, except we cannot use the nuclear weapons we buy at the expected inflated rate for vassals. Of course there are other forms of tribute, trinkets in the military armoury, we are expected to purchase from the KING, thus we remain one of many favoured states, and in a special club. This club learns first hand what the King has decided to do next, before most other vassals, because we carry the trident, however heavy, with dignity and pride.


Being party to how the King decides, we are keen to show how devoted a pet we are. Thus we enthusiastically champion, the Right that Might decides it wants to enact.

Justice is whatever is decided by the King, as who wants to fall out of favour, like the French for example. Today Russia, China, and Iran. fail to bow to the KING, or accept HIS judgements of right and justice. They are reminded of what happens when displeasure occurs through Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Bosnia, and North Korea. They are vilified all the time, spat at as a matter of ritual practice and treated as not quite human enough, which we now term democratic, and are obviously in need of strong lessons.


Power to the King, who is always just and right in all decisions.

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How the mighty fall. Once Britannia not just ruled the waves but plundered resources at will in less developed, third world countries for self fulfilment, thus reinforcing the idea we were indeed a chosen race.


Now the once powerful is just another vassal, but with according to the propaganda, with a special relationship. Unfortunately the new master race sees all vassals as subservient, and the special relationship is just one way. We now pay tribute to the new empire, the USA. But paying tribute is now what it was. To deceive the British population of the vassal status, tribute is paid in a new way. We buy expensive, ridiculous, and unusable goods from the new KING. Trident in all its magnificence is necessary for our defence, except we cannot use the nuclear weapons we buy at the expected inflated rate for vassals. Of course there are other forms of tribute, trinkets in the military armoury, we are expected to purchase from the KING, thus we remain one of many favoured states, and in a special club. This club learns first hand what the King has decided to do next, before most other vassals, because we carry the trident, however heavy, with dignity and pride.


Being party to how the King decides, we are keen to show how devoted a pet we are. Thus we enthusiastically champion, the Right that Might decides it wants to enact.

Justice is whatever is decided by the King, as who wants to fall out of favour, like the French for example. Today Russia, China, and Iran. fail to bow to the KING, or accept HIS judgements of right and justice. They are reminded of what happens when displeasure occurs through Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Bosnia, and North Korea. They are vilified all the time, spat at as a matter of ritual practice and treated as not quite human enough, which we now term democratic, and are obviously in need of strong lessons.


Power to the King, who is always just and right in all decisions.


Russia has a new king. His name is Vladimir Putin. He throws dissidents in jail, wont tolerate even a girl's rock music group which made fun of him in a song :hihi: and yes you do bow to the King if you live in Russia just as all Chinese must now to the faceless ones in the Politburo who are no doubt elected over and over again by" popular vote" :hihi: Talking of vote. Why dont you vote with your feet and leave the democracy you're always trashing and take up residence in Russ or China?


---------- Post added 29-08-2013 at 23:49 ----------


English isn't his first language.


He gets all his stuff from the Peking Daily and the Daily Shirker

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Not too bad, really. I’d rather pay taxes for them than Hamas, for instance.


So paying your taxes to the USA, to keep their military corporate industry going, while employment in the UK falls, or as the government now calculates, part time are now classed as full time, thus increased employment. Its our wealth being given for trident, a toy we cannot ever use, but great to cruise around in.


We pay tribute to the USA and they give us, Suadi Arabia and the rest of the world controled by them, weapons, the military hardware needed to make sure MIGHT IS RIGHT the values the world pays tribute to


---------- Post added 30-08-2013 at 09:45 ----------


Russia has a new king. His name is Vladimir Putin. He throws dissidents in jail, wont tolerate even a girl's rock music group which made fun of him in a song :hihi: and yes you do bow to the King if you live in Russia just as all Chinese must now to the faceless ones in the Politburo who are no doubt elected over and over again by" popular vote" :hihi: Talking of vote. Why dont you vote with your feet and leave the democracy you're always trashing and take up residence in Russ or China?


---------- Post added 29-08-2013 at 23:49 ----------



Its good to know the corn flake packet boffins, with their tabloid encyclopaedic references, are so knowledgeable about the propaganda they swallow so trustingly. Ever thought of joining the Jehovah Witness clan, who also share a narrow view of the 5000 year old world where dinosaur bones were placed there by god to test their faith. Such universal knowledge would be a natural star!


One can but pity such a poor diet chosen by such pomp.


Keep taking the tabloids, professor!

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There is only one King, he wore blue suede shoes, he will live forever.


---------- Post added 30-08-2013 at 10:14 ----------


How the mighty fall. Once Britannia not just ruled the waves but plundered resources at will in less developed, third world countries for self fulfilment, thus reinforcing the idea we were indeed a chosen race.


Now the once powerful is just another vassal, but with according to the propaganda, with a special relationship. Unfortunately the new master race sees all vassals as subservient, and the special relationship is just one way. We now pay tribute to the new empire, the USA. But paying tribute is now what it was. To deceive the British population of the vassal status, tribute is paid in a new way. We buy expensive, ridiculous, and unusable goods from the new KING. Trident in all its magnificence is necessary for our defence, except we cannot use the nuclear weapons we buy at the expected inflated rate for vassals. Of course there are other forms of tribute, trinkets in the military armoury, we are expected to purchase from the KING, thus we remain one of many favoured states, and in a special club. This club learns first hand what the King has decided to do next, before most other vassals, because we carry the trident, however heavy, with dignity and pride.


Being party to how the King decides, we are keen to show how devoted a pet we are. Thus we enthusiastically champion, the Right that Might decides it wants to enact.

Justice is whatever is decided by the King, as who wants to fall out of favour, like the French for example. Today Russia, China, and Iran. fail to bow to the KING, or accept HIS judgements of right and justice. They are reminded of what happens when displeasure occurs through Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Bosnia, and North Korea. They are vilified all the time, spat at as a matter of ritual practice and treated as not quite human enough, which we now term democratic, and are obviously in need of strong lessons.


Power to the King, who is always just and right in all decisions.


I realize that it is not permitted to be abusive and I would not wish the following comment to be construed as such, however as a simple statement of fact, after perusing your comment for some time, I conclude that in fact and in a non confrontational manner, you are daft.

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