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Is the "Special Relationship" over

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Is this a one sided argument to appease your sensitivies? Kindly go back and read post number 13 submitted by Phantom309. He had plenty to say about the shorcomings of American trucks.


Well he doesn't - have a look. Also I don't recall any broad sweeping generalisations apart from you and your Euro trash comments.


Like I said, try a little humility. You would be a much nicer poster for it.


---------- Post added 02-09-2013 at 00:23 ----------


Well he should have backed the Labour amendment shouldn't he, waiting for compelling evidence before intervening. Seems like a no-brainer to me.


Unfortunately Cameron couldn't bring himself to back a Labour amendment and so lost everything through his pride and stubbornness.


I'm just wondering with all this if both of them managed to pull a disaster out of the hat. I can just see Milliband making his amendment to make the point and to get Cameron to water down his original proposal - not actually expecting that Cameron would lose the vote. It might be everyone's managed to paper themselves into the corner here...

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Well he doesn't - have a look. Also I don't recall any broad sweeping generalisations apart from you and your Euro trash comments.


Like I said, try a little humility. You would be a much nicer poster for it.


---------- Post added 02-09-2013 at 00:23 ----------



I'm just wondering with all this if both of them managed to pull a disaster out of the hat. I can just see Milliband making his amendment to make the point and to get Cameron to water down his original proposal - not actually expecting that Cameron would lose the vote. It might be everyone's managed to paper themselves into the corner here...


Where did I mention the words Euro trash ? Getting a little over emotional are we ?

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Well he should have backed the Labour amendment shouldn't he, waiting for compelling evidence before intervening. Seems like a no-brainer to me.


Unfortunately Cameron couldn't bring himself to back a Labour amendment and so lost everything through his pride and stubbornness.


Cameron has won this one, the public will view his actions as honourable, Millibands as dishonest and self seeking, Milliband is finished, he is a dead man walking and it would be to the benefit of British politics if he and the slimy reptilian front bench went with him.


Alan Johnson and a new team of front benchers could do the Tories some damage, there is still time, and the country would benefit from an honest and coherent opposition.

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I think the British Government were correct in following the will of the people, if that was what it was. I have heard nothing bad about it among people here in America among those I know.Whether there is still a special relationship I don't know, but there is still a good deal of respect for the UK around here, and that's good enough for me.

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I think the British Government were correct in following the will of the people, if that was what it was. I have heard nothing bad about it among people here in America among those I know.Whether there is still a special relationship I don't know, but there is still a good deal of respect for the UK around here, and that's good enough for me.


I am quite surprised to read this, the White House are now referring to the French as "our oldest ally" in recent reports from right leaning British papers it has been stated that Obama is far more comfortable with the French president than with Cameron, that the State Department now refer to the Falklands as the Malvinas etc.


Clearly Obama is a left oriented as a US President can get but you would not have thought that even he would see that the French government is a fickle ally at all times. Its only a few years the Yanks were calling them "cheese eating surrender monkeys". With some justification I thought. Times change.

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I am quite surprised to read this, the White House are now referring to the French as "our oldest ally" in recent reports from right leaning British papers it has been stated that Obama is far more comfortable with the French president than with Cameron, that the State Department now refer to the Falklands as the Malvinas etc.


Clearly Obama is a left oriented as a US President can get but you would not have thought that even he would see that the French government is a fickle ally at all times. Its only a few years the Yanks were calling them "cheese eating surrender monkeys". With some justification I thought. Times change.


i thought that was clarkson?

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I am quite surprised to read this, the White House are now referring to the French as "our oldest ally" in recent reports from right leaning British papers it has been stated that Obama is far more comfortable with the French president than with Cameron, that the State Department now refer to the Falklands as the Malvinas etc.


Clearly Obama is a left oriented as a US President can get but you would not have thought that even he would see that the French government is a fickle ally at all times. Its only a few years the Yanks were calling them "cheese eating surrender monkeys". With some justification I thought. Times change.

I was not aware of this. This president is in fact more centralist than any I've known in my time here. He is trying to be all things to all men. What I said to you is that your government respected the will of the people. my President is not doing so by going against the will of the people when he insults our oldest ally.


---------- Post added 02-09-2013 at 08:32 ----------


i thought that was clarkson?
I hate Clarkson. Her hates Koreans, says they eat dogs. I'd munch on a tasty bit of poodle missen if I had nowt else. I also own a Kia and a Hyundai. Never a bit of trouble with either of them.:)
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I am quite surprised to read this, the White House are now referring to the French as "our oldest ally"
That's because, technically, they are, lending Washington a hand in kicking the Brits off the land in 1776.

Its only a few years the Yanks were calling them "cheese eating surrender monkeys". With some justification I thought.
Yes, because Let's bash Iraq v2.0 ended up being such a roaring success, and the 'justification' at the onset of it was a model of clear-cut, incontrovertible casus belli...

Times change.
Don't they just. Oh, the irony! :rolleyes:
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I was not aware of this. This president is in fact more centralist than any I've known in my time here. He is trying to be all things to all men. What I said to you is that your government respected the will of the people. my President is not doing so by going against the will of the people when he insults our oldest ally.


---------- Post added 02-09-2013 at 08:32 ----------


I hate Clarkson. Her hates Koreans, says they eat dogs. I'd munch on a tasty bit of poodle missen if I had nowt else. I also own a Kia and a Hyundai. Never a bit of trouble with either of them.:)


I don't see it as an insult, more a case of reality, I find it interesting that you consider him centrist, from here I see him left of Clinton, am I wrong?

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I don't see it as an insult, more a case of reality, I find it interesting that you consider him centrist, from here I see him left of Clinton, am I wrong?
I can't really say, except that Clinton seemed to have some magic touch with the economy, or just claimed he did. To do that you would need NYSE on your side, which is not leftist. It's just an opinion of course. You said the comments were made in the right wing press. New York Post maybe, Wall Street Journal, Fox News? If so I would question the source. Trying to damage the President with untruths or half truths can be dangerous in a situation as tense as this. I would put nothing past the Tea Party.
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