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Is using chemical weapons really that bad?

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Chemical weaponry is despicable.it can be far more widely felt than any other weapon..apart from the atom bomb. Chemicals in the air can be blown anywhere,its indescriminate.Shame on anyone who uses such dirty tactics to gain control. It's akin to the mass gassings that happened in Germany..do we condone that as a means of gaining control ? I don't think any decent minded person could agree that what happened in Syria was "fair".


Yes, chemical weapons are despicable, but so is killing 100, 000 people by conventional weapons - they are all dead.

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I realise that its about Syria, but the Syrian government are and have been winning the war against the heart ripping out and eating, petrol igniting, slaughtering all considered non believers lot we, the DEMOCRATIC nations back. They are wiping them out, which does not bode well for the overthrow.


So why should the Syrian government, when the UN inspectors have arrived to check out the evidence the Russians presented them about a previous gas attack, suddenly resort to using such weapons? They have air superiority and ground superiority, but its difficult to fight in built up areas as Stalingrad and Berlin proved in WW2.


Who gains from this gas attack??? The Syrian Government or the rebels?


As for the US shouting how bad this is, what about the damage of depleted and other uranium weaponry used in Afghanistan, Yemen, Iraq, Bosnia, Kosovo, and Libya? Agent Orange in Vietnam still creates many birth deformities as does uranium.


Might is right, sod the evidence, the analysis of the samples, as the UK led the fanatic drum beat for war. thought it was a very sick joke on us all, probably with the defence industry salivating and rubbing their hands in glee in the background.


As always I agree with everything you write, and am absolutely frustrated by the fact that some people refuse to see the truth for what it is???


I could forgive them their ignorance, if it wasn't that the propaganda is the same script used over and over again, and the goal is the same - World Domination. Of course they can see it.... but they wilfully choose to blindly follow where they are led, without any intention of investigating for themselves and wishing to be informed.

So IMO they are just as culpable as the murderous monsters who have instigated and are propagating this illegal war.. the USA Britain and France.


What these people suffer from is Cognitive Dissonance, which is‏ the mental conflict that people experience when they are presented with evidence that their beliefs or assumptions are wrong, (but decide to go along with it anyway?)

Montier (2002)

Simplified; it is like weak minded people who hang around with Bullies? They actually know what is right, but feel they will be safe from the bullying if they are on 'their' side.



---------- Post added 04-09-2013 at 09:44 ----------


Maybe he works for the Russian secret service and his posts are part of a plot to discredit the perceived intelligence of the average American?


?? :+(

Should that have read 'American' Secret Service (CIA) for it is they who work on dumming down the average American. IMO and the NSA are watching and listening to everything. Look at the trouble they have caused in Germany?

I think you overestimate the Russian's interest in us - the people.

The Americans do care, because they know that we do have our Politician's ears, if we choose... Unlike America or Russia.

Our Politicians are accessible.... that is those who lived amongst us and were not put there by the establishment i.e. The Bullingdon Bully Boys Party.


---------- Post added 04-09-2013 at 10:11 ----------


More information:-

The following, is reproduced from - "liberationnews.org" to highlight the hypocrisy of the West, with regard to Chemical Weapons.


9 Times the U.S.A.. & Partners Used Chemical Weapons & WMDs. - And Got away With It.

("International Law" only applied to enemies of Imperialism.)


There has been absolutely no evidence presented that the Syrian Gov't is responsible for the chemical attack that took the lives of hundreds of civilians. But the US. Gov't and Britain, claim that their allegations alone give them the moral authority to launch military action, in direct violation of International Law. What they conveniently forget to tell us is the long history of the US. Gov't and it's partners using chemical weapons and other weapons of mass destruction, and getting away with it.

Her are the examples:


#1: WW1. 1914-1918.

Modern chemical weapons were first used on a mass scale during World War 1, when the imperialist powers of the world sent their soldiers to kill and die in clouds of mustard gas and phosgene to re-divide the world amongst themselves.

Germany was the first to use this deadly new weapon, but all sides of the inter-imperialist war joined in. Gas attacks killed 90,000 soldiers and civilians, while being linked to another 1.2 million casualties. Over 10% of all chemists in the US. were involved in the production of chemical weapons during the war.

The Gov't ordered 3,000 tons of it's own home grown type of gas.


#2: Britain in Mesopotamia in 1920.

Facing a heroic uprising staged by the people of Iraq, British colonial authorities authorised the use of chemical weapons against civilian populations, arguing in their "Manual of Military Law" that, "The Rules of International Law, do not apply in wars with uncivilised States and tribes.

Winston Churchill, then, the civilian head of the British air force stated that. "He was strongly in favour of using poisoned gas against uncivilised tribes," which he argued, "would spread in lively terror."


#3: The Nuclear Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945.

In one of the most infamous crimes against Humanity, the US. Gov't. dropped atomic bombs on the Japanese Cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945 even though top military and political leaders knew that the war was effectively over.

Approximately 180,000 people were killed immediately by the bombings, and hundreds of thousands died later from radiation poisoning in the first and only use of nuclear weapons in human history.


#4: Agent Orange in Vietnam. 1961-1971.

Over the course of the Vietnam War the US. military dropped over 20 million gallons of a deadly chemical weapon called Agent Orange. This campaign killed or maimed 400,000 Vietnamese, and led to 500,000 babies being born with debilitating birth defects, in addition to devastating the economic life of the Vietnamese countryside by destroying all plant life that the chemical contacted.


#5: Iran - Iraq war. 1980-1988.

During the war between Iran and Iraq. The US. supported the Iraqi Gov't led by Saddam Hussein against the post-Shah Iranian Government.

Secret documents that have recently been declassified show that the CIA. was fully aware of Iraq's brutal and illegal use of chemical weapons, but still continued to provide intelligence and other forms of political and military support.

The sale of these chemical weapons to Iraq was personally managed by Donald Rumsfeld.


#6: Depleted Uranium in Gulf Wars 1991. and 2003.

In the 1991. and 2003. invasions of Iraq, the US. military used depleted uranium, a chemically toxic and radioactive waste product of nuclear energy in armour piercing munitions. The use of DU. has been linked to higher radioactivity, cancer rates, and congenital malformations among Iraqi civilians and US. soldiers. The United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) estimated that the US. fired 1000 to 2000 metric tons of depleted uranium in 2003.

#7: White Phosphorus in Fallujah, 2005.

During the murderous assault on Fallujah in 2004, the US. military used White Phosphorous Chemical Weapons as part of it's campaign to level the Iraqi City ultimately forcing 300,000 people to flee their homes. Although the Pentagon still officially denies it used this brutal weapon, they are contradicted by countless eyewitnesses. One Marine who fought in the battle remembered,... "I heard the order to pay attention because they were going to use white phosphorus on Fallujah....Phosphorus burns bodies, in fact it melts the flesh all the way down to the bone....I saw the burned bodies of women and children."


#8: Israeli use of White Phosphorus against people of Gaza, 2008 - 09.

In it's 2008 - 2009 massacre of hundreds of civilians in Gaza, Israel extensively used US. made white phosphorus shells to terrorize densely populated areas....a form of collective punishment for daring to defy colonial aggression. Sabah Abu Halima, a Palestinian victim of an Israeli white phosphorus attack, recalled, "the fire was like lava, my family was burnt and their bodies turned to crisp"

Israel has also repeatedly used thousands of cluster bombs, which wreak enormous civilian damage.


#9: Military Testing of Radioactive Chemicals in St. Louis Communities, 1953 - 1954 and 1963 - 1965.

The United States Military conducted top-secret experiments on the citizens of St. Louis, Missouri for years, exposing them to radioactive compounds without their knowledge or consent. Approximately 10,000 residents of the Pruitt-Igoe public housing complex, primarily poor and black, were exposed to the most chemicals. The Army told them they were testing harmless smoke screens, but in fact they were testing the chemical for potential use against the Soviet Union.

(So 3,000 that were murdered during the 911 False Flag Operation would be small beer to the corrupt US Cabal?)



This report should help people to clearly see what lying hypocrites the likes of Obama and Cameron really are. (like they should need any help) With their self righteous indignation and crocodile tears for the victims of the Syrian attack.

But then again - Cognitive Dissonance?

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