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Is it homophobic because someone sees it as such?

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It would depend on what comes first your stand or theirs. Either way one of you has to compromise and betray your own principles.
What principle exactly would an atheist be betraying by participating in a wedding that made reference to god and/or was in a church?


As I see it atheism has no principles, no dogmas, it merely signifies a lack of belief in god. What if someone likes the idea of having some little silly rituals in a fancy building on their wedding day?


Or just doesn't mind and is perfectly happy to partake in them to please their soon to be spouse?


With regard to mother, whatever decision is reached should only be agreed by the couple, with no manipulation or pressure involved. If that can't be managed I would advice you to stay single.
Who said anything about manipulation or pressure? I talked of a desire to see someone happy.
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It would depend on what comes first your stand or theirs. Either way one of you has to compromise and betray your own principles.

With regard to mother, whatever decision is reached should only be agreed by the couple, with no manipulation or pressure involved. If that can't be managed I would advice you to stay single.

Hi again Janie, as I was saying...

Yes I do agree with it, because he was making the point (ironically) that if we ban one aspect of free speech to protect those who are easily offended we may as well ban a whole lot of other things.
No he wasn't making that point at all.

He was making a blatant straw man, a comparison which was not like for like, to further his agenda.

He used part of the title "Good news for gays" but left out the rest, along with the content of the email, which is what caused the upset.

If he had compared it with "Christ can cure, good news for Jews/Muslims" with the email content outlining that Judaism/Islam is a sickness which Christianity can cure, that would be more like for like.


You must surely be okay with me sending you an email titled "Surgery can cure, good news for women" with the contents explaining that you suffer with a sickness (the female gender) but it's okay, we can take care of that with an operation.

You'd be okay with that wouldn't you?

Because it's free speech, going out of your way to email somebody something that would offend them.


What's your opinion on the parts highlighted in bold?

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