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Is it homophobic because someone sees it as such?

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Let's have a clear definition of "homophobic".

By derivation of the word, it should mean an unreasonable fear of homosexuals. I don't think he's afraid of them.

By usage, it means intolerance of them. He seems to be tolerant of them , but feel that they are doing wrong, for which he reproves them.

In extreme use, it means he doesn't actively support and advocate homosexuality; in that meaning, he's clearly guilty. Are any of the rest of us?


In Calvinism, there's a doctrine that "God" has selected some people to be "saved" and all others to be "condemned".

In Methodism the view is that "God" made salvation available to everyone.

So I can't agree with his "Christian morality" on that point.

But note that he has not called for their prosecution, or for violence to be used against them.

If we're talking definitions, the current Oxford Dictionary (online) definition of homophobia is "an extreme and irrational aversion to homosexuality and homosexual people".

If an aversion to homosexuality due to supernatural beliefs isn't irrational (or extreme) then I don't know what is.

(Viewing homosexuality as a disease would count as an aversion in most peoples' opinions)

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...telling them that Jesus could save them from their sins


Viewing homosexuality as a sin and and wrong. Yeah, that sounds homophobic.


(adj) homophobic (prejudiced against homosexual people)



How would people on here like it if, say, the Catholics started badgering them that fellatio was wrong and Jesus could "save" them from their sins?


Sexual Sins within Marriage [Catholic Planet]


Now really, what on earth has it got to do with these pernicious god botherers what anyone gets up to in the privacy of their own home? If it was something that was against the law of the land, maybe. But masturbation, oral sex, anal sex, group sex, these are all perfectly legal in the UK.



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Viewing homosexuality as a sin and and wrong. Yeah, that sounds homophobic.





How would people on here like it if, say, the Catholics started badgering them that fellatio was wrong and Jesus could "save" them from their sins?


Sexual Sins within Marriage [Catholic Planet]


Now really, what on earth has it got to do with these pernicious god botherers what anyone gets up to in the privacy of their own home? If it was something that was against the law of the land, maybe. But masturbation, oral sex, anal sex, group sex, these are all perfectly legal in the UK.



Indeed, according to that article just about any form of foreplay is forbidden within Catholocism

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Theres no one worse than the Homosexual for spitting the dummy out, just look at all this fuss because Russia has the audacity not to promote them.


Nothing worse, are you sure? Would you want a similar law that they have in Russia here in the UK?

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