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Is it homophobic because someone sees it as such?

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Would I be classed as homophobic by saying that I don't have much time for homosexuals or gays or sexual deviants of any kind,you are supposed to be entitled to your own free opinions in this country.its a sin according to the bible,man shall not lay with a man as a women it is an abomination, leviticus 18.22, so he thinks he is doing Gods work by trying to help these people..all depends how you interpret these writings.


One letter/email is perfectly ok; but many more than one would be unwanted mail.

If people are offended we should take note, but not automatically call it homophobia.

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Would I be classed as homophobic by saying that I don't have much time for homosexuals or gays or sexual deviants of any kind,you are supposed to be entitled to your own free opinions in this country.its a sin according to the bible,man shall not lay with a man as a women it is an abomination, leviticus 18.22, so he thinks he is doing Gods work by trying to help these people..all depends how you interpret these writings.


Do you think that if Jesus was here today he would look at a gay couple who love each other and are committed and faithful to each other and view them as sinners?


Also do you believe as i do that God created everyone including homosexuals therefore we as Christians should love and accept homosexuals and let them live as God intended without interference.

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One letter/email is perfectly ok; but many more than one would be unwanted mail.

If people are offended we should take note, but not automatically call it homophobia.


I get lots of unsolicited emails offering me Viagra and cosmetic surgery, its a good job I'm not easily offended. :)

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Would I be classed as homophobic by saying that I don't have much time for homosexuals or gays or sexual deviants of any kind.


If you did think that, then you probably have a closed mind. Peter Tatchell, I am not keen on, but classing them all as the same is homophobic.

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Do you think that if Jesus was here today he would look at a gay couple who love each other and are committed and faithful to each other and view them as sinners?


Also do you believe as i do that God created everyone including homosexuals therefore we as Christians should love and accept homosexuals and let them live as God intended without interference.


So God also created every murderer, rapist and child molester, should they also be loved and accepted and allowed to live as God intended without interference.

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Do you think that if Jesus was here today he would look at a gay couple who love each other and are committed and faithful to each other and view them as sinners?


Also do you believe as i do that God created everyone including homosexuals therefore we as Christians should love and accept homosexuals and let them live as God intended without interference.


One person's interpretation of some of the scriptures can be very different to someone elses ,but leviticus 18.22 is one that is very clear and one of the scriptures that is very hard to misinterpret if you believe in it that is..

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So God also created every murderer, rapist and child molester, should they also be loved and accepted and allowed to live as God intended without interference.


Well them sort of people go against God as they cause untold misery to other people. All homosexuals do is give each other joy and happiness. Also God creates no bad in this world all bad is created by us.

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One person's interpretation of some of the scriptures can be very different to someone elses ,but leviticus 18.22 is one that is very clear and one of the scriptures that is very hard to misinterpret if you believe in it that is..


Pope Benedict himself said that Christianity is not a religion of bible. In the way that Islam is based totally based on the Quran.


God did not write the bible men did and men are flawed. The book your referring to is in the old testament and is was originally in the Jewish Torah. Jesus himself did not seem to have a problem with homosexuality at all.

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