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Is it homophobic because someone sees it as such?

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Would I be classed as homophobic by saying that I don't have much time for homosexuals or gays or sexual deviants of any kind,you are supposed to be entitled to your own free opinions in this country.its a sin according to the bible,man shall not lay with a man as a women it is an abomination, leviticus 18.22, so he thinks he is doing Gods work by trying to help these people..all depends how you interpret these writings.


Yes you would, and probably are if you agree with your own premise. Nobody is arguing you right to free opinion as no one should argue my right to make an observation based on your premise.


My observation is, not only would you be homophobic but that assertion would be evidence simply by you using religious text as proof. In other words, a religious homophobic..which in itself is an oxymoron.

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Well them sort of people go against God as they cause untold misery to other people. All homosexuals do is give each other joy and happiness. Also God creates no bad in this world all bad is created by us.


God created them the way they are and God must have known they would cause untold misery to other people, it must therefor be part of Gods plan. It should then follow that you as a believer in God must accept what God created.

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I'm not, I'm asking if everyone should be loved, accepted and allowed to live as God intended, because God created them the way they are.


But people are not created as rapists and murderers they become so because of there upbringing and environment.


On the other hand there is evidence that people are born Gay or Bi or Trans in there are countless reports of children as young as 5 or younger talking about being being transgender.


---------- Post added 02-09-2013 at 20:21 ----------


God created them the way they are and God must have known they would cause untold misery to other people, it must therefor be part of Gods plan. It should then follow that you as a believer in God must accept what God created.


In my opinion no one is born evil. They become evil as part of there human weakness.

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You can't equate a gay person with a murderer!


Why not? It's been equated with sexual deviancy. I guess before the thread is through there'll be a few more equations made. Hell, they even cause untold misery to some.

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But people are not created as rapists and murderers they become so because of there upbringing and environment.


On the other hand there is evidence that people are born Gay or Bi or Trans in there are countless reports of children as young as 5 or younger talking about being being transgender.

Its all in the mind I think..if a child is brought up by a Gay couple does that child become a Gay when they grow is there any evidence for or against that,I probably got my homophobic attitude from my upbringing as my father was a Sergeant major in the black watch and my mother was a god fearing Scottish protestant..

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But people are not created as rapists and murderers they become so because of there upbringing and environment.


On the other hand there is evidence that people are born Gay or Bi or Trans in there are countless reports of children as young as 5 or younger talking about being being transgender.


In my opinion no one is born evil. They become evil as part of there human weakness.


The evidence is that some people are born with genes that will make them more violent than other people, we are all different because we all have a slightly different genetic makeup.


So you believe that people become Evil because God made them weak enough to become Evil and other people don't become Evil because God made them stronger. So God created people that he new would become Evil, they can no more help being Evil than a gay man can help being attracted to men.

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Its all in the mind I think..if a child is brought up by a Gay couple does that child become a Gay when they grow is there any evidence for or against that,I probably got my homophobic attitude from my upbringing as my father was a Sergeant major in the black watch and my mother was a god fearing Scottish protestant..


I agree with a lot of what you yet not all. The thing is 99% of gay people are brought up by straight people .

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In my opinion no one is born evil. They become evil as part of there human weakness.


Evil is subjective. It doesn't allow much for debate really.


Q:Why did Hitler do what he did

A: Cos he's evil.

Q: What is evil?

A: Really bad stuff.

Q: So he did really bad stuff?

A: Yeah

Q: Why?

A: Cos he's evil.

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Evil is subjective. It doesn't allow much for debate really.


Q:Why did Hitler do what he did

A: Cos he's evil.

Q: What is evil?

A: Really bad stuff.

Q: So he did really bad stuff?

A: Yeah

Q: Why?

A: Cos he's evil.


You could ask the question why humans seem to have a objective morality.

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And who just couldn't help themselves make a huge song and dance about it?

Remind me, who was that now?

The Daily Mail columnist?


What is the reporters agenda? I didn't notice one.

His ultra-conservative agenda, as himself and as Cranmer


EDIT: I noticed that you ignored the questions I asked, although they may have sounded rhetorical they are in fact genuine questions, would you care to answer them?

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