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CAP (christians against poverty)

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i was wondering if anybody is using or with these organisation as i have been refered to these as im struggling with finances etc i was told these are good in helping with finances etc aswell as help with food vouchers etc


i just wanna know if im wasting my time with these or if anyone on here is with them and are helping with your finances if you have any.

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I think this comes across as a quite balanced and fair viewpoint regarding the praying, which I agree with. Praying isn't going to stop the postie delivering the final demand...


But it's clear that they do more than just offer to pray...




Certainly is seems that CAP are not an evangelical outfit like some outfits that prey on the vulnerable to draw them in


Still, if you are uncomfortable with the religius undertones of CAP, you could look at the list of others on Advice UK



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hi babyblueeyes


i have heard of them but no first hand experience. i've heard that the financial advice that they give is very good but no idea about the Christian side of it. perhaps it's a good idea to find out what particular church they are linked to (they are usually based at a local church even though the organisation is national) - that would probably give you an idea of whether it would be heavy or not

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Hi Babyblueeyes. CAP is based at St Thomas Church Philadelphia, which is an evangelical church. However, that doesn't mean that you will be pressured to believe yourself. Local people from the church will take details of your debt and will send them to the Bradford head office where specialists will advocate on your behalf with your creditors to get your debt payments cancelled or reduced. As far as I am aware they do not charge for this service.


Our church have just started a similar service called Jubilee Money


This is a totally free service and works in a similar way to CAP apart from the people you will meet with in Sheffield will be the ones who will advocate on your behalf in a similar way to CAP.


I'm sure there are others who can help who you may prefer to go to if you are really wary of the fact that it's churches who are running these services, but I'd make sure that they are free before going to them. And far better to get things sorted this way than go to loan sharks etc.

I can assure you that we are not preying on vulnerable people to draw them in as some cynics may suggest. There are enough unscrupulous people who do that to make a profit out of those in debt without the church joining them.

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