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Get out students!


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well. from someone called nicherules. i can no longer listen to a word you write without laughing. your style and opinion on these matters has to be totally dismissed as matter fit for the toilet. total and utter nonsense. students are loud dumb and ugly? wrong on all counts. i imagine you never went to uni. what a shame for humanity, there goes that nobel prize.

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no one has actually answered me, could u tell me?if anyone wants to come, every 2nd wednesday we have a student burning night, im not prejudiced, just very opinionated. got a few cheap second hoodies going if any one wants them...mite have a bit of ash on them tho...

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I can understand your view point entirely, nicherules. Some people just want to go to a night club for a few drinks and a laugh with their mates. What they don't want is a bunch of students lounging around using words with more than one syllable.


When they wake up in the morning with a headache they want it to be from too much alcohol not from having to concentrate too hard on words they don't understand.

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no one has actually answered me, could u tell me?if anyone wants to come, every 2nd wednesday we have a student burning night, im not prejudiced, just very opinionated. got a few cheap second hoodies going if any one wants them...mite have a bit of ash on them tho...


Some people make it TOO easy.


Strike one troll.


Thanks for the entertainment!

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i think niche rules may have been banned:hihi:


I think you might be correct on that supposition. Banned is such a horrid word - for a lover of students such as he, perhaps 'Gone on a Forum Sabbatical' is a more appropriate phrase?



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