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ok ive just finished reading all these posts on this thread and ok i admit i dont get half the stuff thats put on here most of the time but this made me chuckle the poor guy actually thought that he would be able to find a bar free from students in sheffield!:loopy:


well lets hope his forum mini break makes him think a little clearer:hihi:

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Adding offensive statements about a diverse group of people and trying to legitimate it by tagging it to a lame question that could have been asked in a civilised and non-offensive manner?


Deserving of being banished back under the bridge they came from!:thumbsup:

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i dont think it is fair that you banned him. i am not saying that i agree with him but dont you think banning him was abit extreme?



rachel hun ...(now mods im not trying to pick a row with you wth this statement)


anyway rachel hun the mods do what they see fit and when they see fit we just have to go along with it its as simple as that! they are the forum managers :hihi:


i suppose they did it to stop it escalating into a full blown arguement which ive seen happen on here numoures times before today and they can get very heated and soon personall insults would have been slung at each other:thumbsup:

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To explain.... :)


He deliberately set out to offend a group of people who use this Forum. I offered him a reasonable way forward on the thread which he chose not to take.


He'll be back soon enough, and will be more than welcome. But we don't tolerate this sort of gratuitously offensive posting.


And on that, I'll close this one off.





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