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Is guessing your city an offence?

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I’d love to understand the thinking behind some people’s actions …, it went like this:

I was talking with some strangers when one of them asked, out of the blue, which city do you come from?

I answered: Make a guess!

- ummm, but no offence though, are you from X ( or Y ) city?


My question: why would their be a likelihood of an offence being committed if they guessed a possible city I might have come from … I am honestly at a loss and would really love to understand :):)

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Like This:


"Good Evening Sir, how are you?"

"Wonderful, thank you for asking"

"Your accent is quite striking, from where do you hail??"

"From the City of Sheffield my good friend"

"Goodness how interesting"

"I don't mean to be rude, but I would have placed your accent from another city, I must be mistaken"

"That's quite all right my good friend"

"Have a good evening"

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There is no claiming .. and there is no confession … none of that at all!


A asked B a question,

B offered A the chance to guess the answer

A then says “ but no offence, is the answer …?”


Please help me search for the reason, or the possibilities that his guess/ answer might be seen as an offence

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There is no claiming .. and there is no confession … none of that at all!


A asked B a question,

B offered A the chance to guess the answer

A then says “ but no offence, is the answer …?”


Please help me search for the reason, or the possibilities that his guess/ answer might be seen as an offence


Don't you think the best person to ask this question would have been Mr/Mrs A?

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There is no claiming .. and there is no confession … none of that at all!


A asked B a question,

B offered A the chance to guess the answer

A then says “ but no offence, is the answer …?”

Please help me search for the reason, or the possibilities that his guess/ answer might be seen as an offence


A, is telling B not to be offended if they guess wrong.

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