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R.I.P Sir David Frost

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I am a bit surprised he is being referred to first and foremost, as a journalist, as that is not really what he was.


an interesting fellow for sure. He made a not really all that great amount of talent - certainly not compared to some of his Cambridge contemporaries, that is for sure - go a long long way.


his peak was probably the Savundra 'trial by television' episode, which is still enthralling almost half a century on.


his Nixon interviews are overrated though Frost did of course do brilliantly to get them arranged in the first place. Frost just did not know a great deal about American politics - he certainly wasn't a political correspondent or anything close to it and Nixon surely must have thought that Frost would probably be a bit of a lightweight, somewhat out of his depth, and turn out to be a bit of a soft touch as an interviewer. Which in fact, he probably did, turn out to be.


one mystery none of the obits I have read have explained, is how he managed to avoid doing his National Service. Somebody born in April 1939 would definitely have normally been called up.


and very appropriate that he died on a cruise liner considering almost nobody exemplified trans-Atlanticism during his era more than him.

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doubtless he will by now already be plagarising whatever new cabaret routines Peter Cook has come up with in heaven. That was the only reason Ned Sherrin ever gave Frost a job in the first place. He saw him doing Cook's routines on stage and thought it was his own work.

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Frost may not have possessed the vast comic talent of some of his TWTWTW colleagues, I never knew him in person of course but I'm pretty sure he would not mind people cracking a few jokes upon his demise.




p.s. did he ever do any highly embarrassing Orson Welles type television commercials? In Japan, perhaps?

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