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Sheffield Town Centre What a Dump


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Well said you have my backing there.:cool:


---------- Post added 07-10-2013 at 16:24 ----------


Oh it appears to have gone a bit quiet so here we go again.Regarding the market well it was a dump scruffy and well past its sell by date and yes lets open the foundations up so we can all see a part of our history, I do believe it was the roundheads who last saw it. As regarding the new market lets just hope, now theres a word, that the council with not allow this to become a dump like the one it refused to spend money on and put the rents up sky high for the privilege mind you what ive heard the rents will be more than sky high for the new one,lets see how many last in there.As the saying goes they can live in Hope its nearer than Castleton.


The Roundheads! news to me pal as I know it was the lads who worked for Wm Moss and Son of Loughbrough who built the last stage of the Castle Market around about 1960.


You see before you can build up you have to dig down for foundations [a long way in the Markets case] and take it from me there is now't to get excited about under Exchange Street ,as for the fish Market section then I don't know but if the bit in the corner of the loading bay is any thing to go on then our garden rockery is more interesting.


---------- Post added 07-10-2013 at 19:22 ----------



I would agree with your sentiments about the moving of the castle market from it's original site . It is sad that the councillors have no sense of tradition , particularly when it has such a long historical connection.


I think I recall signing a petition objecting to its move , as I did over the moving of Jessops hospital .


I can well understand your not recalling the existence of the " forgotten village " of the second springs - as did most other people . However, your having mentioned that you worked in that area doe's surprise me that YOU had forgotten it . Once seen never forgotten !


You say that you grew up on Myrtle springs . I knew a Cutts from that area by the name of "Bert". Wouldn't be any relation by any chance ?


One other coincidence . You mention the castle house , presumably on Myrtle springs, though I don't know of it . But I grew up next to the castle house on Parkwood springs .I left there in 1961.


Sorry but I do remember the Parkwood well we called it the Indian village and I have friends who lived and worked on there [one prominent poster on this forum inc].


I did have a relation called Herbert so maybe Bert was an abreveation of this.

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The Roundheads! news to me pal as I know it was the lads who worked for Wm Moss and Son of Loughbrough who built the last stage of the Castle Market around about 1960.


You see before you can build up you have to dig down for foundations [a long way in the Markets case] and take it from me there is now't to get excited about under Exchange Street ,as for the fish Market section then I don't know but if the bit in the corner of the loading bay is any thing to go on then our garden rockery is more interesting.


---------- Post added 07-10-2013 at 19:22 ----------



Sorry but I do remember the Parkwood well we called it the Indian village and I have friends who lived and worked on there [one prominent poster on this forum inc].


I did have a relation called Herbert so maybe Bert was an abreveation of this.


I remember Bert very well . I used to work with him.

When I was in my 20's , he took me into Boot's to suggest the equipment which I would need for home wine making . He explained all the rudiments of winemaking - both to make and enjoy the produce .

That was some 40 years ago and , both pass times I still enjoy .

A good memory and , a lovely person.

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You have it wrong - YET AGAIN !

One will toe the party line when it is appropriate .

I refused the whip on two occasions when the area I represented was to take second place .

It depends on your convictions how you meet your commitment.


One other point , which may or may not be making reference to me regarding claims .

I was a councillor , for the first part , before they received any payment . took annual leave from my employment in order to perform my commitment .Latterly , I received the £10 subsidy for one meeting in any one 24 hour period - which I subsidised with the extra in order to pay someone at an overtime rate to do my duty at work .No clear minded person can hold me to account for my actions


Do yo know , you really do operate your mouth before engaging your brain !

It is a well known human fact that , when you open your moth it puts your ability to hear on hold .

Try it sometime .

Who knows , you may even learn something .

One can live in HOPE as you said somewhere !

No I have not got it wrong at all you would have to toe the party line or you would stay at the bottom.I did not receive any payment for my twelve years of community service and i also included my annual leave as you put it to carry out my commitments to my work yes for twelve years,now lets be knowing how long you served.Well we a smart little boy now please tell us all about the world student games and how much that deprived our city.
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Did you ex-councillors ever raise the issue of, and oppose the corrupt 'Fractional Reserve' banking racket, the outlawing of which would see cities and nations virtually free of indebtedness. A look at the You Tube cartoon, 'The Goldsmith's Tale' will enlighten you, one reason the powers that be don't like the internet ! It's nothing different to what Jefferson warned of when he said that he viewed the banks being allowed to issue the currency and set interest rates as a greater danger than a standing army ! Turning in his grave ?!

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Did you ex-councillors ever raise the issue of, and oppose the corrupt 'Fractional Reserve' banking racket, the outlawing of which would see cities and nations virtually free of indebtedness. A look at the You Tube cartoon, 'The Goldsmith's Tale' will enlighten you, one reason the powers that be don't like the internet ! It's nothing different to what Jefferson warned of when he said that he viewed the banks being allowed to issue the currency and set interest rates as a greater danger than a standing army ! Turning in his grave ?!


Because that's part of a councillors job remit, to challenge national government over the way currencies throughout the world work. :roll:

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MikeBatty, Sorry that i did not reply sooner to your remarks but my sides ached so much with laughing i had to have a lie down and take a pill.Well it appears that i used the right bait to catch my fish as you show your true self by first trying to discredit a forum member and now me by your remarks, but why am i not surprised isnt this what Sheffield Councillors are trained to do. On the subject of the castle my remarks were tongue in cheek but you seem to need a humour injection, perhaps its old age getting a grip so i will make an allowance .No matter what you say Sheffield city centre is a dump which should have been cleared up years ago.The people of this city deserve better.

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MikeBatty, Sorry that i did not reply sooner to your remarks but my sides ached so much with laughing i had to have a lie down and take a pill.Well it appears that i used the right bait to catch my fish as you show your true self by first trying to discredit a forum member and now me by your remarks, but why am i not surprised isnt this what Sheffield Councillors are trained to do. On the subject of the castle my remarks were tongue in cheek but you seem to need a humour injection, perhaps its old age getting a grip so i will make an allowance .No matter what you say Sheffield city centre is a dump which should have been cleared up years ago.The people of this city deserve better.


Are you talking to me! with regard to the Castle that is ? ?

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