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Will David Cameron Be Re-Elected?

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If you me will he be the next PM? Not sure, I think he's the best of a bad bunch to be honest. Miliband hasn't got a clue and a lot of labour MPs have been critiscing him for coming up with zero alternative policies.


Everytime he speaks out against a Conservative policy he is asked if he would reverse it when/if he gets in power, he says no. So.... I think he is pretty much an idiot.


Lib dems haven't got a chance and are about as liberal as the BNP. So I hope he does or maybe he will be ousted and Boris Johnson's brother gets in.

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If you me will he be the next PM? Not sure, I think he's the best of a bad bunch to be honest. Miliband hasn't got a clue and a lot of labour MPs have been critiscing him for coming up with zero alternative policies.


cameron and his predecessors didn't have much in the way of policies at this point in the parliaments when they were in opposition and they aren't really necessary for an opposition in the early/mid stages of a parliament.

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cameron and his predecessors didn't have much in the way of policies at this point in the parliaments when they were in opposition and they aren't really necessary for an opposition in the early/mid stages of a parliament.


I would say they are if you are going to criticise everything the government does but then say in the small print that you wouldn't actually reverse any policies implemented. Just shows that you are opposing for the sake of opposing rather than thinking its a bad decision.

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I would say they are if you are going to criticise everything the government does but then say in the small print that you wouldn't actually reverse any policies implemented. Just shows that you are opposing for the sake of opposing rather than thinking its a bad decision.


yes and no, if you nail your policy trousers to the mast too soon events can overtake you and you have to change policy or look out of touch.


the early years of a parliament should be used to develop a general theme but developing firm, specific policies can wait until closer to the election.


i would hope that this conference season would see the labour party starting to put some policy flesh on the bones of opposition, though they dont have to be too detailed until next year.


it helps to know when the next election will be which in this parliament we know. this is a bit o/t but i think not imposing fixed term parliaments when they had the chance was a missed chance.

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I believe he will be re-elected as PM. Milliband is a no mark. People still don't trust Labour.


And people trust the Tories? If they couldn't get a majority in 2010 after the disasters of the last Labour government then how can they expect to get a majority or even be the largest party in 2015? The Tories need about 40% and be 7% ahead of Labour to form a majority government. Labour only need about 35%. The Tories messed up when they reneged on their agreement with the Lib-Dems to reform the Lords and redraw the parliamentary boundaries in their own favour.

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