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Will David Cameron Be Re-Elected?

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Cameron will walk it, majority of about 30. The Scots Nats will win the referendum and we will be shut of them. After the Scottish seats are gone Labour will never get in again. Happy days.


Milliband is Camerons Scargill and Galtieri combined. When the reds voted him in Cameron must have laughing his socks off, worst Labour leader since Ramsey Macdonald (I include Michael Foot).

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Cameron is the least worst option, but I'd rather see Farage as PM.


DISCLAIMER: I'm a Labour party member.


I believe Labour will stumble over the line. Governments hardly ever increase there share of the vote and Cameron didn't get even get enough votes to win last election even though Labour was on it's knees. Labour only need a 2% swing in it's direction to secure a majority which i believe is more than achievable despite the fact Ed Miliband is still not the flavour of the month with alot of voters.

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Cameron will walk it, majority of about 30. The Scots Nats will win the referendum and we will be shut of them. After the Scottish seats are gone Labour will never get in again. Happy days.


Milliband is Camerons Scargill and Galtieri combined. When the reds voted him in Cameron must have laughing his socks off, worst Labour leader since Ramsey Macdonald (I include Michael Foot).


I disagree, surely Gordon Brown will hold that title for the rest of time.

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I believe he will be re-elected as PM. Milliband is a no mark. People still don't trust Labour.


1. Thatcher trailed behind Callaghan when it came to preferred PM. By about 10% right until polling day.


2. Financial crisis was caused by reckless bankers throwing money about like it was going out of fashion. Not at all by Labour.


3. Tories would of matched Labour in public spending right up until 2008. Don't believe me? http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/6975536.stm. So don't believe the Tories when they talk about over spending.

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2. Financial crisis was caused by reckless bankers throwing money about like it was going out of fashion. Not at all by Labour.


It's the job of any government to make sure the economy is run properly. It was the job of the Labour government to make sure there was proper financial regulation and that it was enforced. What did they do instead? They gave Fred Goodwin a knighthood while he was running RBS into financial oblivion. They let Northern Rock lend up to 7 times a couple's income and up to 125% of the asking price of a property. Unsurprisingly NR over-reached itself.


Ed Miliband apologised for this in February 2011 in Newcastle.

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