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Will David Cameron Be Re-Elected?

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1. Thatcher trailed behind Callaghan when it came to preferred PM. By about 10% right until polling day.


2. Financial crisis was caused by reckless bankers throwing money about like it was going out of fashion. Not at all by Labour.


3. Tories would of matched Labour in public spending right up until 2008. Don't believe me? http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/6975536.stm. So don't believe the Tories when they talk about over spending.


2. Who was in power when the "bankers were throwing money about"?


Who was spending more than they had coming in, even during a boom period, which they were well aware would lead to a bust?


3. The Tories would not have matched Labour in public spending. They might have said that when out of power, but if they had been elected in 2002 or 2007, it would havae been a different story. The Tories are not as irresponsible as Labour.

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2. Who was in power when the "bankers were throwing money about"?


Who was spending more than they had coming in, even during a boom period, which they were well aware would lead to a bust?


3. The Tories would not have matched Labour in public spending. They might have said that when out of power, but if they had been elected in 2002 or 2007, it would havae been a different story. The Tories are not as irresponsible as Labour.


Absolute rubbish. Ireland and Greece had a budget surplus before the crash and we can all see what happened there.

Also Tories would have matched Labours spending because George Osbourne said they would. Trying to day anything otherwise is the realm of fantasy.

And if by irresponsible you mean spending money on a crippled NHS after years of Torie rule and rebuilding schools. I'm sorry but I can't see as anything other than a daily fail clone.

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It is irresponsible for a government to spend more than they have coming in during a boom period. Full stop. It doesn't matter what they spend it on. I went to school during the previous Tory years and the schools were fine, now they have posh buildings and kids leave with a pocket full of GCSEs A-C yet they can't spell or write coherently, or even speak coherently in many cases.

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So why is he prime minister? Military coup?



Nope some power hungry nobody with an over-inflated opinion of himself allowed himself to be bought with a few baubles and beads


---------- Post added 01-09-2013 at 21:08 ----------


Something Gordon Brown tried and failed to do.


probabley because the puppy cleggy boy is a closet tory, OK, not THAT much of a closet, hes quite open about it now :)

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I don't think trust is an issue with the Tories. Some people just want their free stuff to continue, and they know the Tories tend to put a stop to things like that.


I disagree. I think all 3 main parties ran on dishonest platforms last time out and lack of trust will be a major problem for all politicians at the next general election.


Would it be churlish of me to suggest that politicians of all persuasions shoulduld be more honest and straightforward?

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Ireland and Greece had a budget surplus before the crash and we can all see what happened there.


That is a little like saying that HMV were a really good company beore they went bust; but they still went bust :hihi:


---------- Post added 01-09-2013 at 21:54 ----------


So why is he prime minister? Military coup?



They call it democracy, Brown was like the do-do, and Cameron was the leader of the party that got the most MPs.


---------- Post added 01-09-2013 at 21:58 ----------


Ed Miliband is still not the flavour of the month with alot of voters.


Give him a chance, we dont know what distinct policie he has yet. Plenty of time yet, and I like him being to the left of Cameron and Osborne ;)

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