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Will David Cameron Be Re-Elected?

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2010 election results


Conservative 307

Lab 258

lib/dem 57


Lab + Lib/dem 315


Others 28.


Run that one by us again.


Con + Others= 335

Lab + Lib Dem= 315


Therefore not a majority.


Con + Lib Dem = 364

Lab + Others = 286


Therefore comfortable majority.

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Con + Others= 335

Lab + Lib Dem= 315


Therefore not a majority.


Con + Lib Dem = 364

Lab + Others = 286


Therefore comfortable majority.


Or Lab + others 343

Cons 307


You seem to have missed that one.


Or Cons + Unionists 315

Lab + L/D SNP Plaid etc. 335


Another comfortable majority for Brown had anyone been prepared to work with the jerk.

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Well I personally hope him and his mob don't get reelected,but on the subject of Syria I'm glad he wasn't supported in his efforts to get us involved in that mess of a country, I don't care what they do to each other as long as they leave us alone,who are we to take the moral high ground I don't see many other countries rushing to get involved so why should we,it's not our problem what are we going to do drop a few bombs on them..

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Well I personally hope him and his mob don't get reelected,but on the subject of Syria I'm glad he wasn't supported in his efforts to get us involved in that mess of a country, I don't care what they do to each other as long as they leave us alone


Then shame on you.


incendiary bomb attack on school playground that killed at least ten Syrian children and left scores more with horrific burns


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Then shame on you.


incendiary bomb attack on school playground that killed at least ten Syrian children and left scores more with horrific burns



I would be more concerned if they dropped one on you,you can't believe anything that comes from those country's,I've been there and seen how they live..I'm not interested,not one more of our lads should be sacrificed for any of those places.if you looked at a lot of the films a lot looked like they were play acting they are desperate to get the west involved and we are just playing into their hands..

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I refuse to believe the British public will ever vote in Milliband. He is without exception the least inspiring politician of any party in modern times.


He is backed by the most repulsive front bench. Just look at them. Even if you are a diehard Labour voter you must weep when you consider them as your representatives.


I like Cameron, I do not have a lot of time for the rest of the Tories but compared to the opposition they are giants.

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I refuse to believe the British public will ever vote in Milliband. He is without exception the least inspiring politician of any party in modern times.


He is backed by the most repulsive front bench. Just look at them. Even if you are a diehard Labour voter you must weep when you consider them as your representatives.


I like Cameron, I do not have a lot of time for the rest of the Tories but compared to the opposition they are giants.


It true there is not a lot going for the opposition at the moment even a harden socialist like me doesn't like Miliband ,but I try and stick to my political beliefs..

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