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Will David Cameron Be Re-Elected?

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New Schools built. Fairer Taxes. Independent Bank of England. Stopped Blair putting us in the Euro. Spending in the NHS. That's why people think he was an excellent Chancellor.


Sold all the gold reserves when gold prices were at their lowest, missed that one? Obviously he didn't need to hold reserves as he'd abolished boom and bust. :hihi:

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I notice you say "spending in the NHS". Not "making the NHS better". Just "spending".


That was what got me about Labour. They'd brag about increasing spending. Not about improving services but about increasing spending. Meaning bribes to the public sector. Whether or not the service was improved was by the by.


As for new schools built, big wow. I'd rather have schools that were falling down and kids that could get on in life than shiny new buildings and kids leaving school not knowing their arse from their elbow.


Labour did improve the NHS after years of Tories neglect. Lower waiting times. Higher life expectancy. etc etc.


I fear you represent the Torie mind set. Any goverment money that is spent with the benefit of poor people in mind is in your opinion a "waste". I bet you would enjoy hospitals and schools falling down as long as you could secure a tax cut for millionaires.

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New Schools built. Fairer Taxes. Independent Bank of England. Stopped Blair putting us in the Euro. Spending in the NHS. That's why people think he was an excellent Chancellor.


We can debate about his role as Chancellor but as PM he was hopeless. The everlasting memory of him as PM was that video he did when he just gurned into the camera in an attempt to convince people he wasn't really a sociopath who threw office equipment at staff.


Anyone who wants to make their own mind up about 1997 to 2010 should read Andrew Rawnsley's book The End Of The Party.

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Will David Cameron Be Re-Elected?


well he wasn't elected in the first place really was he. Just in case anybody has forgotten, the Conservatives have not won an election for 21 years.


And they're not likely to win one in future . People are increasingly realizing that most Conservatives would see Hospitals and Schools collapsing. As long as they could pay a little less tax and get a little bit richer.

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Labour did improve the NHS after years of Tories neglect. Lower waiting times. Higher life expectancy. etc etc.


I fear you represent the Torie mind set. Any goverment money that is spent with the benefit of poor people in mind is in your opinion a "waste". I bet you would enjoy hospitals and schools falling down as long as you could secure a tax cut for millionaires.

No, but I do think that spending money you haven't got is a bad idea, regardless of what it is spent on. Anyone can improve services if they don't care about putting the country into massive levels of debt. I'd be far more impressed if they improved services and didn't spend any more, or even better, spent less. But that's not Labour. They need their "bribes", or hardly anyone would vote for them. I would be interested to see how many people that pay more into the system than they got out vote Labour. I would hazard a guess at not very many.

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Well, the Conservatives did not win enough votes to become the sole party in this term.


And given his massive epic fail to win enough votes again to go to war in Syria.


Is David Cameron a lame duck or a shrewd operator?


I personally know we are better off out of any conflict beyond these shores, we have our own issues to deal with at home than to punch above our weight and invade yet another country resulting in thousands of needless deaths for false agendas.


We cannot even look after our own solders when they return home, they get worse treatment than benefit claimants.


It is the only time in recent history that a leader has failed to go to war because of votes against them.


If all those apathetic, disillusioned , wavering and misguided electorate behave in the same way as last time then the answer has to be "YES"

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