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They're back..September is SPIDER month

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I admit to being a big girls blouse where spiders are concerned, but if they are more scared of me than I am of them why do they come and live with me?:help:


It's like cats. They are perversely drawn to people who don't like them :evil:

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I have always wondered about the large brown spiders that one sees sitting in the middle of a large web at this time of year. You only see them for a few weeks for which I am extremely grateful, as they terrify me. Does anyone know where they are the rest of the time?

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I have always wondered about the large brown spiders that one sees sitting in the middle of a large web at this time of year. You only see them for a few weeks for which I am extremely grateful, as they terrify me. Does anyone know where they are the rest of the time?


Underwear drawers normally, or the back of the fridge. :)

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They are more scared of you than you are of them.


Unless you are a big girls blouse.


Im happy to describe myself as the kind of blouse Rustie Lee would wear :blush:


---------- Post added 19-09-2014 at 21:26 ----------


I admit to being a big girls blouse where spiders are concerned, but if they are more scared of me than I am of them why do they come and live with me?:help:


It must be aversion therapy for spiders jane :P

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lol i had a close encounter today at work


was going to get a water sample out of the drain to check the ph, lead and copper levels so i went to the lab and got mi gear and thought id go round the outside of the building, walked through a massive web that spanned between the trees on the outside of the fence and the fence for the waste chemical compound. it was really thick, sticky web silk, really hard to get off, anyway i opened the drain and dunked mi dunker to get a sample poured it into mi bottle then i looked down and a quite large (sort of various tints of brown camoflaged) spider was running down mi arm.

so i flicked it off and it fell down the drain but landed on another web and started running along, so i picked it up in mi scooper (being the nice guy i am) and chucked it on the ground near the compound

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lol i had a close encounter today at work


was going to get a water sample out of the drain to check the ph, lead and copper levels so i went to the lab and got mi gear and thought id go round the outside of the building, walked through a massive web that spanned between the trees on the outside of the fence and the fence for the waste chemical compound. it was really thick, sticky web silk, really hard to get off, anyway i opened the drain and dunked mi dunker to get a sample poured it into mi bottle then i looked down and a quite large (sort of various tints of brown camoflaged) spider was running down mi arm.

so i flicked it off and it fell down the drain but landed on another web and started running along, so i picked it up in mi scooper (being the nice guy i am) and chucked it on the ground near the compound


Well cheers mel, you've just inadvertently introduced the arachnid to a cocktail of chemicals which will see it return as Sheffield's version of Spiderman..Peter Parkhill :rant:

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lol i had a close encounter today at work


was going to get a water sample out of the drain to check the ph, lead and copper levels so i went to the lab and got mi gear and thought id go round the outside of the building, walked through a massive web that spanned between the trees on the outside of the fence and the fence for the waste chemical compound. it was really thick, sticky web silk, really hard to get off, anyway i opened the drain and dunked mi dunker to get a sample poured it into mi bottle then i looked down and a quite large (sort of various tints of brown camoflaged) spider was running down mi arm.

so i flicked it off and it fell down the drain but landed on another web and started running along, so i picked it up in mi scooper (being the nice guy i am) and chucked it on the ground near the compound


That's why at this time of year, whenever I'm the first to walk in or out of an outside door or between two posts it looks like I'm making the sign of the cross, when I'm really checking for arachnid man traps.

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