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They're back..September is SPIDER month

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Aww. I hate the little blighters. Can't go anywhere near them. Won't sleep in the same room. Terrified. I hate September.


Me too! ... apart from tomorrow (3rd) which is my birthday ... not that I'm trying to make a big deal of it or anything. :D

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spider catchers are awesome. I used to be terrified, to the point where i couldnt even put a glass over them and if i did i would leave them there until a friend came round to rescue it. but since i bought my spider catcher i am no longer scared even with the huge ones, i see one, get my catcher and throw them outside. No one can say they are more scared than anyone else, just get a catcher and see for yourself, you will no longet be petrified of the horrid little things.

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spider catchers are awesome. I used to be terrified, to the point where i couldnt even put a glass over them and if i did i would leave them there until a friend came round to rescue it. but since i bought my spider catcher i am no longer scared even with the huge ones, i see one, get my catcher and throw them outside. No one can say they are more scared than anyone else, just get a catcher and see for yourself, you will no longet be petrified of the horrid little things.


Of course people can be more scared than another. That's a daft notion. Not everyone has the same level of fear. I simply cannot be in the same room as one, furthermore, if I know it hasn't been killed & has instead escaped, then I cannot go back in that room for a day or two. On the flip side I hate scary rides at Alton towers I tremble a bit while queuing and when sitting to be strapped in my stomach flips a bit & I feel momentarily sick. However once it's started I cope & sometimes even quite enjoy it. I don't consider myself to have a phobia of such rides, simply just a little fearful. Of course there are different levels of fear.

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Of course people can be more scared than another. That's a daft notion. Not everyone has the same level of fear. I simply cannot be in the same room as one, furthermore, if I know it hasn't been killed & has instead escaped, then I cannot go back in that room for a day or two. On the flip side I hate scary rides at Alton towers I tremble a bit while queuing and when sitting to be strapped in my stomach flips a bit & I feel momentarily sick. However once it's started I cope & sometimes even quite enjoy it. I don't consider myself to have a phobia of such rides, simply just a little fearful. Of course there are different levels of fear.


I didnt mean it like that. I used to be exactly same as u but now im not cos i have my catcher. Just buy one, learn a bit about spiders and u will no longer be as scared i promise u.

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Spiders are beautiful creatures who help out with reducing the number of other insects in our houses and gardens. The spiders we have in this country are all completely harmless to humans and even if you could induce them to bite then the bite would be only as severe as being bitten by a midge, which most of us cope with lots of times a year perfectly well.


Can I request to those who are scared of spiders that they find a place to put the spiders that are found in their house which isn't outside? Putting them outside is very likely to kill them so it's not really a humane way of dealing with them, whereas putting them in the loft, or the cellar or similar is much more humane.

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Spiders are beautiful creatures who help out with reducing the number of other insects in our houses and gardens. The spiders we have in this country are all completely harmless to humans and even if you could induce them to bite then the bite would be only as severe as being bitten by a midge, which most of us cope with lots of times a year perfectly well.


Can I request to those who are scared of spiders that they find a place to put the spiders that are found in their house which isn't outside? Putting them outside is very likely to kill them so it's not really a humane way of dealing with them, whereas putting them in the loft, or the cellar or similar is much more humane.


I echo this, spiders are most welcome in the house.

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Spiders are beautiful creatures who help out with reducing the number of other insects in our houses and gardens. The spiders we have in this country are all completely harmless to humans and even if you could induce them to bite then the bite would be only as severe as being bitten by a midge, which most of us cope with lots of times a year perfectly well.


Can I request to those who are scared of spiders that they find a place to put the spiders that are found in their house which isn't outside? Putting them outside is very likely to kill them so it's not really a humane way of dealing with them, whereas putting them in the loft, or the cellar or similar is much more humane.


Every year you keep selling me this line meds and I admire your love of all creatures great & small, but imagine something utterly skin crawling (ricgem, hard2miss spring to mind :D ) and you might be able to empathise with us hard core arachnophobes!


I've honestly slept in my car because I found one in my bedroom and just don't have the wherewithal to deal with them. Knowingly sharing my house with a spider, even in the loftspace would be too bad for me so I'm afraid it's pesticide city in my digs in Autumn!

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Spiders are beautiful creatures who help out with reducing the number of other insects in our houses and gardens. The spiders we have in this country are all completely harmless to humans and even if you could induce them to bite then the bite would be only as severe as being bitten by a midge, which most of us cope with lots of times a year perfectly well.


Can I request to those who are scared of spiders that they find a place to put the spiders that are found in their house which isn't outside? Putting them outside is very likely to kill them so it's not really a humane way of dealing with them, whereas putting them in the loft, or the cellar or similar is much more humane.


Have you ever seen a big black widow spider close up ? Probably not as they dont exist in Britain

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There was a spider in my bathroom last night so big that from the other side of the room I could hear its feet pitter-pattering as it scuttled along the shower curtain. I named him Bob.

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