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Jeremy Kyle Show - Evidence we need workhouses?


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As kids are a privilege and not a right, everyone should be annually sterilised and then apply to have it reversed. That will be granted when they have the means and the motive for children eg cash and a reason to bring kids into the world. Sticking them in front of a telly with chicken nuggets isn't a motive.


I know it sounds Orwellian but you know it's right.


Good solution !!

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I know this show is meant to be entertainment but when I have the misfortune to watch it, it just infuriates me. I can't believe people can go on this show and air their dirty linen to the world. There's no embarrassment whatsoever. People who haven't got 2 brain cells or even 1 for that matter. No common sense and they are proud to tell the world that they don't know who the father is because they slept with x amount of men in one week. Maybe they should be pleased they got pregnant and not got Aids. Does anyone else get wound up by this show? Maybe they should have labotomys instead of workhouses! Surely that wouldn't make them anymore dumb. If I am off work and this comes on the tv, I go straight for the off button - I can wake up in a good mood and this show puts me on a right downer if I leave it on. And some people enjoy it! Rant over!

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Threads like this make me smile. Its edited entertainment. The background, circumstances, words and actions of any of these so called dregs of society will never be truely reflected.


There is so much snobbery and opinion thrown around with this stuff but lets get back to basics and ask a simple question here...


Who is really the worst out out the following:-


A) Those who choose to make the television show

B) Those who participate in the television show

C) Those millions of viewers who watch the television show

D) Elitist individuals claiming not to watch or have any interest

who still choose to comment and thier opinion on said television show


....Vote now..... Dont call its just for fun....

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Threads like this make me smile. Its edited entertainment. The background, circumstances, words and actions of any of these so called dregs of society will never be truely reflected.


There is so much snobbery and opinion thrown around with this stuff but lets get back to basics and ask a simple question here...


Who is really the worst out out the following:-


A) Those who choose to make the television show

B) Those who participate in the television show

C) Those millions of viewers who watch the television show

D) Elitist individuals claiming not to watch or have any interest

who still choose to comment and thier opinion on said television show


....Vote now..... Dont call its just for fun....


You answer first..

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Threads like this make me smile. Its edited entertainment. The background, circumstances, words and actions of any of these so called dregs of society will never be truely reflected.


There is so much snobbery and opinion thrown around with this stuff but lets get back to basics and ask a simple question here...


Who is really the worst out out the following:-


A) Those who choose to make the television show

B) Those who participate in the television show

C) Those millions of viewers who watch the television show

D) Elitist individuals claiming not to watch or have any interest

who still choose to comment and thier opinion on said television show


....Vote now..... Dont call its just for fun....


Interesting article in the Metro yesterday. Yet more evidence of the growth of the dysfunctional chav class. The Department of Education say the government is going to do more to support these 'disadvantaged' kids. I think that is part of the problem... we need to do less and force chavs to face up to their responsibilities.


And in answer to you question... the answer is B!

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Interesting article in the Metro yesterday. Yet more evidence of the growth of the dysfunctional chav class. The Department of Education say the government is going to do more to support these 'disadvantaged' kids. I think that is part of the problem... we need to do less and force chavs to face up to their responsibilities.


And in answer to you question... the answer is B!


How do you propose we do that?

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