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Jeremy Kyle Show - Evidence we need workhouses?


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I also think one of the main inducements is that they will get help; counselling, drug rehab, whatever.

It seems a shame that the only way they can access help is to demean themselves on a show like this.

Or perhaps some don't mind going on the telly demeaning themselves, to them it would be worth it for a few moments of fame.

One forummer stated that they had appeared on the show for the money and a nights stay in a hotel.:hihi:http://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/showpost.php?p=8731052&postcount=31

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How much was the cheapest "fixed price" for bread? Was it more or less in real terms than bread costs now? I'm going to hazzard a guess at considerably more. People just have messed up priority nowadays. Feeding the family comes behind the drug habit, the smoking habit, the alcohol habit, and the iphone habit.


Back in the day drugs were MUCH MUCH cheaper.


Let's break the monopolies and punistive taxes...


Let's have cannabis at £5/kg, instead of £5/g.

Let's have heroin at £50/kg instead of £50/g.

Let's have a litre of vodka at £1 instead of £16

Let's have tobacco at £2/kg instead of £230+/kg.


Let's have new build houses at £30k instead of £120k-300k.

Let's have rent based upon a 6% yield of build cost + maintenance (a mere 3-5 hours of minimum wage labour per week - i.e. £20-30 per week)


Then we won't be worried about people spending a mere week's wages on a phone. And they could have plenty of money left over to spend less than 20% of their wages on decent food.


And let's get rid of the monopoly of food production so landless people can utilise land and grow fruit, veg and rear livestock, and in turn bring the price of fruit, veg and meat down, whilst increasing the quality!


Side effects may include rising living standards for the common man, a booming economy instead of a boom-bust land economy, increased leisure time spent upon culture and real wealth, capital formation etc.

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It reminds me of the social tourism of the French and British aristocracy in the 18th Century - going to asylums and places like that for their entertainment.


I don't think the show is responsible. Yes they provide an 'aftercare service', but the purpose of the show is entertainment at other peoples expense.


Unfortunately it is part of a tranche of programmes like Geordie Shore and its Liverpool and Cardiff counterparts where the audience is invited to laugh at and feel disgusted by people who are supposed to be part of the underclass


Perhaps there ought to be a programme mocking the obnoxious rich? But then that would be class war :roll:

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I love Jeremy Kyle . I know it winds people up , but I laugh out loud at some of the waste of spaces that are on there. Just turn it off if you don't like it .


That's not the issue. The issue is that negative TV shows like that and sensationalist rubbish published in the media are used to influence public opinion and generally for political reasons. You only have to look at some of the replies on here to see that.


And where is my previous post?

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That's not the issue. The issue is that negative TV shows like that and sensationalist rubbish published in the media are used to influence public opinion and generally for political reasons. You only have to look at some of the replies on here to see that.


And where is my previous post?


It's certainly not wholesome positive viewing, and I totally understand what you're saying, but I really don't think it's that complicated. The only agenda being chased, is one of making money for the show's producers; beyond that, there is no agenda.

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... but if a state has been created that a working man (regardless of what job and pay state) doesn't have the right to have children then there is something fundamentally wrong!!


Everyone has a right to have children but not a right for others to foot the bill.


That said, I'm happy for the State to help out most people struggling to make ends meet. My problem is with the feckless, lazy and selfish chav class who I think need to experience abject poverty to get them to change their ways.

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You cannot fix dysfunction but you can parade it on TV for ratings. And when those numbers come in, the fat cats get richer. Where there's muck there's money. Those who watch this show are probably at best only one rung up from those who they're watching. Unemployed people with nothing better to do with their day than to watch "themselves" on TV and ironically pass judgement.

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I disagree. Personally I think its A and C.


I dont believe that the show relects the participants truely at all. They are not a "sad reflection" on modern chavvy society. Certainly not a reflection on how the lower classes behave. Certainly not a reflection on what most benefit claimants are like.


I blame the producers who are clearly hunting round for the volnerable and uneducated baiting them with sums of money and and a trip to somewhere exciting just to get them on their show.



Go and sit on a bench on the Moor for an hour and you'll see countless Jeremy Kyle Show prospects. I think the show provides a reasonable reflection of a growing sub-class (below that of working class and occassionally-out-of-work class). The chav class is real and growing.


You seem to think that chavs are chav because they are poor... I say they are poor because they are chav. As long as people keep making excuses for them, and doling out the money, they will never change and each new generation is condemned to chavdom.

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