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Jeremy Kyle Show - Evidence we need workhouses?


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A source for that priceless nugget of information?


Even though the ratings and demographics are readily available and published by the studios and major channels, how can you even need a source to clarify something so obvious. It's common knowledge. Plus, look at all the story lines in soaps, they're all aimed at women. The only men who watch soaps are the poor guys who are forced to watch them by their wives. They're so tired after WORKING all day to pay for the TV license they've got no fight in them to argue.


However, I never watch strictly but I'll definitely be watching it this year. Tottytastic.

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maybe if these so called chavs had parents that gave a crap and taught them to be more responsible in the first place, then you wouldn't be sat here complaining about them now.

their is only learned behaviour, look at the parents and ask why they didn't discipline their children or bring them up instead of dragging them.


your daughter sounds like a charmer, is she a chav ?, maybe she will be on jeremy kyle one day eh ;)


You make a valid point about chavs just raising more chavs. So why pay them to do it?


As for my daughter... you are right in that she is no charmer at the moment. She is 13 and raging with hormones. But she has two things that will get her through it. She has intelligence and parents who can be bothered to show her the errors of her way and steer her down the right path.


If the chav class are incapable of bestowing the same two gifts to their children, or supporting themselves financially, then society needs to discourage them from reproducing more of the same. we need the handouts to decrease each time they kick out another sprog... not increase. They might not care about their responsibilities but they do care about themselves and, if having kids makes them poorer, they'll stop having so many kids.

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You make a valid point about chavs just raising more chavs. So why pay them to do it?



Since our rate of unemployment is at 7.8%, that compares with 1999 at 6%, so there will only be a few more "chavs" now than there was then.

Is this just the Tories, devide and rule tactics?

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Since our rate of unemployment is at 7.8%, that compares with 1999 at 6%, so there will only be a few more "chavs" now than there was then.

Is this just the Tories, devide and rule tactics?


Not necessarily. You are incorrectly assuming or deducing that all chavs are unemployed AND all unemployed are chavs, and include feckless as well but I can't be arsed writing that all out. That's clearly not true. Many chavs[to use the word colloquially] work, and many unemployed aren't chavs.


What the thread is talking about in general, are people who happen to be all of the above: that being, chav, unemployed and feckless.

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Not necessarily. You are incorrectly assuming or deducing that all chavs are unemployed AND all unemployed are chavs, and include feckless as well but I can't be arsed writing that all out. That's clearly not true. Many chavs[to use the word colloquially] work, and many unemployed aren't chavs.


What the thread is talking about in general, are people who happen to be all of the above: that being, chav, unemployed and feckless.


Exactly. People hit hard times and our welfare system should be there to catch them and see them through. I also have no problem with it being used to raise the standard of living for low earners working full time.


As you say, the problem people have is with the feckless and idle chav class who stick two fingers up to society whilst taking its money. How stupid is for us to pay them to bring up another generation?

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nothing is more therapeutic than watching JK and thinking.. well my life might be abit **** at times but at least its not as bad as this.


and whoever mentioned the teeth.. couldnt agree more. I quite like trying to work out exactly how many teeth they have left.. its usually in single figures.

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  • 1 month later...
people who go on the show really are numptys


Have you ever considered the fact that it might not be real and that it uses actors with provocative storylines to sensationally inflame public opinion to boost ratings?

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