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Jeremy Kyle Show - Evidence we need workhouses?


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Have you ever considered the fact that it might not be real and that it uses actors with provocative storylines to sensationally inflame public opinion to boost ratings?


I vaguely remember a couple of these shows being done for using actors. I think one was Vanessa Feltz show, can't remember what the other was.


Theshows have to use the absolute worst cases they can find to up te ratings. Thankfully they are not typical.


Some go on the show because of the promise of constructive help; counselling, therapy, psychiatrists etc. It's a pity people can't get this help any other way - the waiting lists sometimes stretch into years.

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Blimey ! and they call the EDL etc Nazis."The Final Solution"seeker seems to be alive and well and living in SF land


Nobody is talking about extermination of the feckless... I just don't think society should be keeping them as pets any more. If some people have a soft spot for mangy mutts then they can of course adopt one.

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I know this show is meant to be entertainment but when I have the misfortune to watch it, it just infuriates me. I can't believe people can go on this show and air their dirty linen to the world. There's no embarrassment whatsoever. People who haven't got 2 brain cells or even 1 for that matter. No common sense and they are proud to tell the world that they don't know who the father is because they slept with x amount of men in one week. Maybe they should be pleased they got pregnant and not got Aids. Does anyone else get wound up by this show? Maybe they should have labotomys instead of workhouses! Surely that wouldn't make them anymore dumb. If I am off work and this comes on the tv, I go straight for the off button - I can wake up in a good mood and this show puts me on a right downer if I leave it on. And some people enjoy it! Rant over!


Sorry but how can you have the misfortune to watch it? surely you turn off or over or; walk out and do something else.

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Nobody is talking about extermination of the feckless... I just don't think society should be keeping them as pets any more. If some people have a soft spot for mangy mutts then they can of course adopt one.

Posts 8(yours)..9..and 14(yours) and then there are the sterilisation posts ..These are people maybe you would all be better attacking the system that has produced people like them.

Oh and sorry I forgot the OP title regarding the need for workhouses

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