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Antisocial behaviour in pagehall sheffield

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It's interesting that you both use identical terms to describe Mr Powell's policy on immigration.


Thanks for that; the sixties was a little before my time :)


I'm older than Boy Friday I think. He's a second generation talking about the late sixties. Powell was also Minister of Transport in the fifties I think. Immigration to fill low paid empty jobs was policy hence the term used.

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If this country fills up with Romanians and Bulgarians next year, than there is absolutely no chance of Labour winning the next election. No chance at all.


It won't matter who wins the election; as I said in post #9:


Both the last New Labour government and the ConDemNation coalition are in bed with big business, so don't expect Sir David 'Lancelot' Cameron to ride up on a white horse and carry you away from the third-world slum of Page Hall.


And you can add UKIP to that list too.

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The rivers of blood,it seems he was.


Really? Where are they?


I'm not foolish enough to pretend that race relations are perfect, but the reality (despite the usual suspects on here) is that most people aren't racist and don't judge people by their ethnicity, race or religion, nor are they stupid enough to believe that a whole countries population are 'scum', because of the way that some of it's people behave.


Antisocial behaviour is just as prevalent in largely white areas as it is in places with large minority communities.

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It's interesting that you both use identical terms to describe Mr Powell's policy on immigration.
Probably more interesting that we both have a similar view to Powell's problems as health minister..there was going to be trouble at t'mill if he didn't find a ready supply of labour to satisfy the demands British people were placing on the NHS.


Thanks for that; the sixties was a little before my time :)

It was all rosy cheeked mums in gingham aprons, and dads who worked and read the bible to their children before bedtime ;)


---------- Post added 02-09-2013 at 17:39 ----------


Immigration to fill jobs is one thing. What is the reason for immigration when we have millions of people unemployed?


..er to fill the jobs our unemployed can't (or won't)?


---------- Post added 02-09-2013 at 17:41 ----------


The rivers of blood,it seems he was.


I know what you mean, the Don's frothing like the Tiber isn't it? :hihi:


---------- Post added 02-09-2013 at 17:43 ----------


I'm older than Boy Friday I think. He's a second generation talking about the late sixties. Powell was also Minister of Transport in the fifties I think.


I'll have to get my head round this, am I a first generation immigrant if my folks came here or a second generation one? Having a low blood sugar moment :confused:

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Immigration to fill jobs is one thing. What is the reason for immigration when we have millions of people unemployed?


The wages for unskilled work is too low for the high cost of living these days; to an east European its quite good money and they send a big chunk of it home and live quite simply while they're here, scotching the myth that their presence is stimulating our economy.


I'm not sure if its still the case but they could claim child benefit for their children that are back home and not here with them, and also if they leave within a year any tax the paid is paid back to them!



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The wages for unskilled work is too low for the high cost of living these days; to an east European its quite good money and they send a big chunk of it home and live quite simply while they're here, scotching the myth that their presence is stimulating our economy.
Presumably they have to eat, live, entertain themselves?


Have you ever considered how much highly skilled British ex-pats working abroad earn and send home and the effect this has on the domestic economy? It isn't just immigrants who benefit from the (relatively) free movement of labour.

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The Brits that work abroad are generally highly skilled. Too many immigrants that come here are low skilled or unskilled.


That's what I said, so naturally their incomes will be higher consequently the money they can send back to their families in blighty will be significant compared to immigrants to the UK with low skills.

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