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Antisocial behaviour in pagehall sheffield

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I don't doubt for a moment there are issues in the area, but anyone claiming they are solely caused by immigrant communities is plainly wrong.


Anyone who claims that all members of certain racial or ethnic groups share the same characteristics is plainly wrong also.


I live in Page Hall and have found that the issues in the community are caused by majority by the Slovak Community and before someone accuses me of throwing down the racist card and am saying by MAJORITY.

Since the Section 30 Dispersal Order was introduced, at the REQUEST of the community, I have had to call 101 11 times and 999 once, without exception due to behaviour my the immigrant community.

Please find below.

1480 10.28pm 08.07.13

1353 10.46pm 24.07.13

1294 10.01pm 20.07.13

1361 10.38pm 05.08.13

1260 09.34pm 14.08.13

1066 07.38pm 18.08.13

1362 10.20pm 20.08.13

1236 09.18pm 25.08.13

1378 09.56pm 26.08.13

1381 10.15pm 27.08.13

999 fighting 10.20am 26.08.13

1200 10.02pm 01.09.13


I am sorry other communities are having problems similar to ours being caused by different nationalities, but you aren't really in a position to counter local people's concerns until you have experienced it yourselves on a daily basis.

Agencies across the community are trying to remedy the issues but until wide spread education in how a community works as a collective as a WHOLE is instilled, the issues in Page Hall aren't going to be solved overnight and long term residents such as myself and many of my neighbours are going to continue to suffer

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The community that has immigrated here is actually not welcome in the countries they live in.

This unique race does not have its own country and lives spread over a few where it is not appreciated.


In Amsterdam this summer the police got 6 experienced Romanian police officers to come there because 90% of sneaky pickpockets in Amsterdam where from Romanian. Even their kids do it at young age.

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it can be reduced alot if LL in that area do not rent to them,

if they give them notice that they have to move,

problem is, then the LL will have to spend money to get decent tenants in.

which they wont do as they get easy money off these, so the problem will continue,


nothing you do with or without police will alter that area until,

THEY decide to move on or the LL's give notice on them,

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I don't doubt for a moment there are issues in the area, but anyone claiming they are solely caused by immigrant communities is plainly wrong.


Most of it is down to the more recent arrivals, the long established Pakistani community there know it and are understandably fed up with it.

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My son and his girlfriend live in Page Hall. They're surrounded by the Slovaks. They get along just fine with them. They've even become unpaid advisers on various things. Yes they help them fill forms in, for benefit, who can blame them for claiming, I would if I could get a much better life abroad for doing nowt all day.


Although, of course, there are problems in other areas, but ASB in Page Hall is different. Its created by people who are used to living to different standards and rules. For instance there have been some pretty horrendous incidents of domestic violence in the street. Witnessed by my son, who phoned the police. Wife beating is not frowned upon as it is in mainstream Britain. We know it goes on everywhere, but in Page Hall its done in public and everyone turns a blind eye. There are also organised bare knuckle fights in the early hours, again witnessed...

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My son and his girlfriend live in Page Hall. They're surrounded by the Slovaks. They get along just fine with them. They've even become unpaid advisers on various things. Yes they help them fill forms in, for benefit, who can blame them for claiming, I would if I could get a much better life abroad for doing nowt all day.


Although, of course, there are problems in other areas, but ASB in Page Hall is different. Its created by people who are used to living to different standards and rules. For instance there have been some pretty horrendous incidents of domestic violence in the street. Witnessed by my son, who phoned the police. Wife beating is not frowned upon as it is in mainstream Britain. We know it goes on everywhere, but in Page Hall its done in public and everyone turns a blind eye. There are also organised bare knuckle fights in the early hours, again witnessed...

Probably we should all become benefits advisers in Page Hall then and help sink the good ship Blighty quicker!
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Problems in the Page Hall area of Sheffield are continuing to make householders’ lives a misery despite a dispersal order – where groups of people causing anti-social behaviour can be broken up – being issued by police.


Some members of the migrant Slovakian community are ignoring the order, said dad Paul Downend.


Retail manager Paul, of Firth Park Road, said: “Only this morning there was a fight between 12 Roma Slovaks outside the house and I had to phone 999,


“When police come and disperse them, 10 minutes later they are standing on the street making a disturbance again.


“Since the order came in I have called the 101 number at least 10 times.




Police have increased patrols as well as making dispersals in the area. Sheffield Council and other organisations are also working on ‘long-term solutions’.




Inspector Simon Leake, from the police North East Safer Neighbourhood Team, said: “We are making dispersals where the law allows and have increased our visibility in the area. I am personally in touch with some people affected by anti-social behaviour and am providing them with support and feedback wherever possible.


“I would always urge the public to contact the police on 101 about any concerns or issues.


“We want residents to feel safe in their communities and we have and will continue to take robust action against anyone involved in anti-social behaviour.”


I'd read in another thread on here that the curfew was having a positive effect, and that the Roma gypsies were obeying the curfew and getting off the streets at 9pm.


The above post tells us that this is now NOT the case and that as soon as the Police leave, the Roma are back on the streets.


I thought that with these dispersal orders, the Police had the power to move people on, and arrest them if necessary. So why are the Roma coming back onto the streets with impunity?


Whatever happened to those Police / Community meetings that were supposed to be held once a month in Page Hall? Is it true that last months' meeting was cancelled at short notice?


Is that the end of the meetings now?


Have South Yorks Police abandoned Page Hall for good?

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