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Antisocial behaviour in pagehall sheffield

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I'd read in another thread on here that the curfew was having a positive effect, and that the Roma gypsies were obeying the curfew and getting off the streets at 9pm.


The above post tells us that this is now NOT the case and that as soon as the Police leave, the Roma are back on the streets.


I thought that with these dispersal orders, the Police had the power to move people on, and arrest them if necessary. So why are the Roma coming back onto the streets with impunity?


Whatever happened to those Police / Community meetings that were supposed to be held once a month in Page Hall? Is it true that last months' meeting was cancelled at short notice?


Is that the end of the meetings now?


Have South Yorks Police abandoned Page Hall for good?


The meetings are still being held first Thursday of the month when the Police, Ibrar Hussain, Councellor and representatives from the Pakistani Advice Centre attend.

The August meeting was cancelled due to holidays and as far as I know they are back again on the 4th September. Sorry 5th September.

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Anti-social behaviour isn't restricted to new immigrants. But why should we have to put up with anti-social behaviour from immigrants at all? We have enough of our own idiots, why import even more?


I agree but what are we minions gonna do about it.

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Perhaps Sheffield City Council should have borne this in mind when deciding our City of Sanctuary status and how and where immigrants were to be housed!


I think you're conflating refugees (who are in need of 'sanctuary) with immigration generally.


Most of the immigrants you'll see in Sheffield are foreign students, whilst many others are foreign professionals...they're not seeking sanctuary.


---------- Post added 03-09-2013 at 18:40 ----------


I agree but what are we minions gonna do about it.


White riot?


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When you see them driving around in cars, using mobile phones, always in the local takeaways and going home to watch their 50" wall mounted TVs, trust me, their fear of persecution is soon allayed.....they're not genuine refugees, their immigrants.


Immigrant | Define Immigrant at Dictionary.com


noun 1. a person who migrates to another country, usually for permanent residence.

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When you see them driving around in cars, using mobile phones, always in the local takeaways and going home to watch their 50" wall mounted TVs, trust me, their fear of persecution is soon allayed.....they're not genuine refugees, their immigrants.


Immigrant | Define Immigrant at Dictionary.com


noun 1. a person who migrates to another country, usually for permanent residence.


I don't care what they are, but one thing they aren't is typical of the behaviour of immigrants or anyone else for that matter.

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it can be reduced alot if LL in that area do not rent to them,

if they give them notice that they have to move,

problem is, then the LL will have to spend money to get decent tenants in.

which they wont do as they get easy money off these, so the problem will continue,


nothing you do with or without police will alter that area until,

THEY decide to move on or the LL's give notice on them,


but then they move some where else causing problems !

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I don't care what they are, but one thing they aren't is typical of the behaviour of immigrants or anyone else for that matter.


Very well; but you try getting to sleep at night with large groups if Slovak males shouting to each other and playing loud music from their cars and you'll soon not care what they are defined as!!!

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At the end of the day. It doesn't matter where they are from, what race they are, what their religion is. The thing that does matter is the general safety and quality of life in page hall. Personally I have never lived there however I know people that do and I think it is the worst area of sheffield at this time. As people have already said, anti social behaviour is so common it's normal. It's been widely reported that the council has to spend boat loads of cash to keep the streets clean of litter and the general community don't seem to care (I'm sure a lot do but there has to be a reason for all of the misbehaviour going on). It's about time people learned to live with one another and respect their communities. If they cannot then they should be punished such as lose their benefits, and even kicked out. This goes for everyone! It's certainly not fair for the long established community who have to put up with people moving in and trashing the place!!


Apologies if its hard to read. Phones aren't the easiest tools for typing large posts such as this

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Very well; but you try getting to sleep at night with large groups if Slovak males shouting to each other and playing loud music from their cars and you'll soon not care what they are defined as!!!


As I said, I don't care what they are, their race/ethnicity isn't important, they're anti-social behaviour is.

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