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These are a bunch of clowns.


Signs up all over the place- no parking, cars will be towed away, for 4 days from 28th November.


So far Not one single thing has been done, no sign of any equipment, no men, no materials, nothing.



Amey are trying a new sub-terranean method of working.


They are digging tunnels under each road and constructing a new road surface underneath the existing one. They then carefully remove the old road surface revealing the new pristine surface underneath.

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A road near me had the signs up saying no parking etc for two days and yet the two days came and went and nothing had happened. I contacted the guy who is in charge of that area and pointed this out to him. he agreed that the signs were wrong and should of been removed, the reason was that one of the major utility companies needed to do some work on that particular road and so Amey had obviously decided that it might be a good idea to let them do their work and then they could do theirs. Must admit though it would of been nice if they'd had the common sense to remove the signage.

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A lot of the work seems to be unnecessary...they're resurfacing perfectly good paths round my end. I mean it's nice to have new paths but they weren't needed and the money could have been better spent somewhere else.


If the work wasn't felt to be necessary, they wouldn't be doing it. There isn't an obligation to do all the roads and footpaths, just to ensure they'll all brought up to an agreed standard.

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Has anyone else noticed to disappearing car parking spaces when the yellow paint is reapplied to the new road surfaces?

2 examples:


When the parking meters came in at the rear of the old Hillsborough swimming baths, on Forbes Road some of the double yellow lines were removed right up to white safety railings on the bend, this created another 2/3 spaces. Now Forbes Rd has been resurfaced and the lines reapplied, but the double yellow lines have put back as they were before the parking meter enforcement! meaning another couple of spaces lost.


Another mystery disappearing car parking space is at the bottom of Highton St off South Rd in Walkley, at the bottom left hand side used to be a space, now resurfaced and the paint reapplied...double yellow lines!


Any more mysterious disappearing car parking spaces spotted?

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Another mystery disappearing car parking space is at the bottom of Highton St off South Rd in Walkley, at the bottom left hand side used to be a space, now resurfaced and the paint reapplied...double yellow lines!


Any more mysterious disappearing car parking spaces spotted?


There was a Walkley area traffic review in 2012. They've removed some of the parking restrictions on the South Rd clearway at the request of the businesses.


They have put in new double yellows on side streets where cars were parked dangerously close to junctions or where cars were parked across driveways.


The work waited until Amey did the resurfacing.



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  • 1 year later...

Crookes main road is a death trap, drivers swerving all over to avoid pot holes.


Meanwhile Amey seem to think footpaths that don't require immediate attention should be the center of all their focus.


Must admit, they (Amey) started off well but imo have drastically gone downhill, some of their recent work has been awful, a newly installed lampost falling over is one example.


Get the main roads sorted amey!!

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