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The World, the Middle East and … WHAT NEXT?

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I’ve been reading an article about the conflict in Syria published on the Guardian written by Wadah Khanfar, a former director general of the al-Jazeera TV, and a number of points he made gave me the impression that - and here I really hope I am wrong - the world today is probably not much better than 20 years ago.

One would think that a man with his background ( originally from the Middle East ), and with his work experience in international media, he would be very very careful making statements that are easily checked and found wrong/ inaccurate/ or even biased.

Here are some of what he wrote

- The US has refused to describe the enforced removal and detention of President Morsi as a coup, despite the killing and wounding of thousands of civilian protesters by Egyptian security forces.

In my opinion America had to be practical and face the changing reality, Mr Khanfar seems to be too narrow minded. The situation in Egypt is still very delicate, and can quickly become, potentially, extremely dangerous, didn’t he know that?

- Syrians want rid of President Assad, but without US bombs

Not all Syrians want rid of President Assad. It has become clear that Assad still has enough support to keep him where he is.


Sometimes I wish I didn’t waste my time reading stuff written by experts

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Do we take seriously the biased comments of someone who thinks that world events are governed by his chosen space fairy?


As opposed to the lies of George ('God told me to end the tyranny in Iraq') Bush regarding WMDs?


Or Tony ("Christian battle") Blair?


Intriguing that comments only become biased when they are contrary to your own worldview.

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The US is planning to stop all funding to the military. Like Syria the situation in Egypt is largely a no win situation for the west.


What's the choice? Support Morsi who might really have an agenda to turn Egypt into an Islamic ruled state intolerant of any other religion or turn his back on the military whose leaders still honour Mubarak's peace accord with Israel.


It's a big game of chess with no clear moves in any direction

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The US is planning to stop all funding to the military. Like Syria the situation in Egypt is largely a no win situation for the west.


What's the choice? Support Morsi who might really have an agenda to turn Egypt into an Islamic ruled state intolerant of any other religion or turn his back on the military whose leaders still honour Mubarak's peace accord with Israel.


It's a big game of chess with no clear moves in any direction


It is a bit of a dilemma. But its hard for the US to justify funding a killing machine/military dictatorship whilst implementing 'freedom and democracy' across the world.

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