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Feckless parents are failing their children.

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Story is here.


  1. Five-year-old children arrive in primary school still in NAPPIES and unable to speak or recognise their own name
  2. Poor British white boys less likely to succeed than nearly any other group
  3. More than 60 per cent of primary school staff reported increase in number of children wetting or soiling themselves at school
  4. Almost one fifth of four-to-five-year-olds could not sound or name the letters of the alphabet
  5. Report suggested that traditionally white working class families put a low value on education


Working class? Non-working class more like.


What is the left's solution? Let me guess, more benefits and more Sure Start centres. And more money for teachers.


Isn't it time we started taking children into care when they are being failed by their parents? It's tantamount to child abuse. Their parents need to be jailed and sterilised.

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Story is here.


  1. Five-year-old children arrive in primary school still in NAPPIES and unable to speak or recognise their own name
  2. Poor British white boys less likely to succeed than nearly any other group
  3. More than 60 per cent of primary school staff reported increase in number of children wetting or soiling themselves at school
  4. Almost one fifth of four-to-five-year-olds could not sound or name the letters of the alphabet
  5. Report suggested that traditionally white working class families put a low value on education


Working class? Non-working class more like.


What is the left's solution? Let me guess, more benefits and more Sure Start centres. And more money for teachers.


Isn't it time we started taking children into care when they are being failed by their parents? It's tantamount to child abuse. Their parents need to be jailed and sterilised.



When we applied for our daughter's place at school, one of the points in the prospectus was that they insist on the children being toilet trained, eat with cutlery, and take basic care of themselves. I was stunned they even had to ask that. My daughter was toilet trained by two, with very little effort. To hear from schools that they have five year olds in nappies is frankly shocking.

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It's nothing new. In my village we have two primary schools, my daughter went to an open plan school where they actively encouraged you to teach your child some of the basics before starting school. i.e her name,ability to go to the toilet,colours.

The other didn't want anyone interfering with their teaching methods - guess which one most sent their kids too.

Thats 20 years ago.


My next door neighbours drove 3 miles to the second school when school one is an 800 yard walk. btw we're all working class families.

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Bad parenting should be made a criminal offence. It wont be but it should be!


I was out on lunch recently, and unfortunately had to walk past the benefits office off Campo Lane. I was disgusted and in honesty really upset to hear a "mother" telling her child, aged around four, that he wasn't walking where she wanted, and the only way that he would learn would be when she "knocked him out on his ****ing a**e". (Apologies mods for the masked swearing, but it's necessary here.)


Threatening a child is hideous, and the language made it worse.


In my opinion there's no excuse, and the child should be taken from her.

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I was out on lunch recently, and unfortunately had to walk past the benefits office off Campo Lane. I was disgusted and in honesty really upset to hear a "mother" telling her child, aged around four, that he wasn't walking where she wanted, and the only way that he would learn would be when she "knocked him out on his ****ing a**e". (Apologies mods for the masked swearing, but it's necessary here.)


Threatening a child is hideous, and the language made it worse.


In my opinion there's no excuse, and the child should be taken from her.


Im not one of these people who agrees with kids been taken off parents at the rate they are these days but clearly that 'parent' needs her kids removing then her womb.

Disgusting! It breaks my heart to see kids with parents like these :(

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Im not one of these people who agrees with kids been taken off parents at the rate they are these days but clearly that 'parent' needs her kids removing then her womb.

Disgusting! It breaks my heart to see kids with parents like these :(


Me too. It genuinely upsets me, and I'm a big guy (but also a parent of a young child). It's just wrong. :(

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