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Feckless parents are failing their children.

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im sure a lot have the attitude that why should i teach my children when its the schools job to do it...which is only the case for education and not basic skills most children should know at that type of age, its possible that it could be down to the trend of kids having kids and therefore just dont have the knowhow to parent and teach skills they themselves dont always possess, in other words clueless, im sure a percentage might even be completely disinterested in actually parenting their child as they think its always someones elses responsibility to do it, in my job i see everyday the total lack of any kind of parenting skills.....i can almost hear myself imitating my mother when i comment on some kids behaviours in public places and the 'parents' complete lack of interest in dealing with it no matter who it disturbs or upsets

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Working class? Non-working class more like.


The term "chav", although often used in the pejorative sense, does also reflect a new class in society, below the traditional working class.


Chavs are mostly (but not exclusively) benefits dependent, although they are also characterized by differing social attitudes.


I grew up on a council estate in the early 70s. In the row of 10 houses I lived on, all the men worked, some of the women worked part time and the largest family consisted of three children (the average was 1.4).


That sounds more like a middle class street these days.

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Speaking of feckless parents, its new term so time to laugh at all the stupid first names they've given their offspring.


I can't mention any for data protection purposes but lets just say I've had a great laugh at some this week!


For what?


Talent for kicking a ball around a pitch in one case, and in the other a talent for marrying and staying latched onto the ball-kicking talent? Great example you've picked there, Mecky. Highly relevant to, what...at least 0.000001% of the UK population. Oh, so did Jade Goody, btw.


As doting parents as they may be/have been, they and their 'celeb' ilk are the antithesis of good role models.


Feckless parents have always existed, but where the amplitude of phenomenon is concerned thse days, I blame both the media (as usual) and successive Gvts promoting this culture of entitlement (this applies to many countries besides the UK, btw).


Most of their kids have very classic names, just foreign. Romeo, Cruz, Harper.


What about Jamie Oliver? His kids names are hardly conventional: Daisy Boo, Honey Poppy, Buddy Bear and Petal Blossom.

He's certainly had a thing or two to say about the feckless their apparent eating habits and choice of entertainment....

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Story is here.


  1. Five-year-old children arrive in primary school still in NAPPIES and unable to speak or recognise their own name
  2. Poor British white boys less likely to succeed than nearly any other group
  3. More than 60 per cent of primary school staff reported increase in number of children wetting or soiling themselves at school
  4. Almost one fifth of four-to-five-year-olds could not sound or name the letters of the alphabet
  5. Report suggested that traditionally white working class families put a low value on education



Working class? Non-working class more like.


What is the left's solution? Let me guess, more benefits and more Sure Start centres. And more money for teachers.


Isn't it time we started taking children into care when they are being failed by their parents? It's tantamount to child abuse. Their parents need to be jailed and sterilised.



i think being poor has absolutely nothing to do with it. i came from a very poor family but i met all of my "landmarks" before i started school. its purely down to the lazy parents who cannot be bothered with teaching their kids the basics and expect other people to do it for them. :rant:

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