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Feckless parents are failing their children.

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Too many parents today are more concerned about going on facebook on their iphones than they are about raising their children properly. If children are being neglected, an internet ban should be used on the feckless parent.


If you ban them from the internet they'll just spend more time breeding! :hihi:


This is one of the many reasons why we decided against having kids, there is no way I would want a child of mine to grow up alongside the feral youth of today. The number of children with educational and social needs will increase and therefore create a burden on the resources which should be there to assist all children.


I don't think you can pin these issues on your typical chavvy parents either, some of today's more liberal 'let's make sure kids have everything' type mums are just as bad. I have one friend who tried for years to have a baby, but even though she's smart, she's so incredibly lazy and antisocial so her little boy is still in nappies at 3 years old (he'll learn in his own time) and she can never drag herself out of bed to go to nursery on time so he can't interect with other kids very well, his speech is limited and he'll really struggle when he goes to school...but she's so laid back about it all! Really annoys me!

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im sure a lot have the attitude that why should i teach my children when its the schools job to do it...which is only the case for education and not basic skills most children should know at that type of age, its possible that it could be down to the trend of kids having kids and therefore just dont have the knowhow to parent and teach skills they themselves dont always possess, in other words clueless, im sure a percentage might even be completely disinterested in actually parenting their child as they think its always someones elses responsibility to do it, in my job i see everyday the total lack of any kind of parenting skills.....i can almost hear myself imitating my mother when i comment on some kids behaviours in public places and the 'parents' complete lack of interest in dealing with it no matter who it disturbs or upsets


And these parents are the first to blame the teachers and the school when their little angel starts to fail and show antisocial tendencies. But quite often they are now into the third or fourth generation of poor parenting, and without role models they don't know what a good parent is.

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The present generation of primary school age children is the least talked to/interacted with in history and the situation will not improve while their parents are more interested in their mobile phones/tablets than they are in talking to the little ones. You see it everywhere you go : in shops, in the street, in playgrounds, on the beach. Parent glued to mobile, child talking to itself or to parent, but ignored. Eventually child stops talking.

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Speaking of feckless parents, its new term so time to laugh at all the stupid first names they've given their offspring.


I can't mention any for data protection purposes but lets just say I've had a great laugh at some this week!


Stupid first names are covered by the DPA now? I thought it was just personally identifiable data and only applied to data held in electronic storage systems...

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Too many parents today are more concerned about going on facebook on their iphones than they are about raising their children properly. If children are being neglected, an internet ban should be used on the feckless parent.


There is much of this attitube in the media, but is it true?


More people going to university and more people getting good GCSEs. Is there any evidence from falling exam rates taken by 11-14 yr olds?

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It's shocking that children are entering into school at 4 and 5 years of age not toilet trained. Unless there is a medical issue, then it smacks of lazy parenting and neglect. Like when you see 3/4/5 year olds with dummies (often hanging out of the corner of their mouths whilst they're talking!), lazy, lazy, lazy.

I remember when my little one started school, they gave the parents a list of things that they'd like you to work on with your child prior to them starting, but not to worry if they can't do them all, such as;

Dress/undress themselves

Feed themselves

Use the toilet independently

Write and recognise own name

Hold a pencil


Count/recognise number up to 10 etc


I was amazed that by 4 and 5 years old, they'd even have to ask that. These are basic things at that age for able minded/bodied children surely???

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