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Do you think we have too many employment rights or not enough?

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Yes there are too many rights for wage slaves these days. Cameron has the right idea making those getting benefits working 30 hours a week. That will of course allow wages to fall further, and thus one can employ many more people. Tesco's were found to threaten people who did not comply with their shift work or work output requirements, with the fact this benefits would be stopped if they stopped work.


Why should the poor and needy have any rights, slaves are there to be abused, and we British know all about how to abuse, we are experts in that side of life. We love sadism, kicking the helpless when they are down, because we think they ask for it.


Why pay the old pensions, they are useless, cannot work, a drain on the system, and their position in society should be re-evaluated. We just do not need the retired anymore, and a solution should be sorted out for those unable to support themselves.


Get rid of all parasites, but they need vilified and victimising first to justify what follows, just like those on benefits these days

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Yes there are too many rights for wage slaves these days. Cameron has the right idea making those getting benefits working 30 hours a week. That will of course allow wages to fall further, and thus one can employ many more people. Tesco's were found to threaten people who did not comply with their shift work or work output requirements, with the fact this benefits would be stopped if they stopped work.


Why should the poor and needy have any rights, slaves are there to be abused, and we British know all about how to abuse, we are experts in that side of life. We love sadism, kicking the helpless when they are down, because we think they ask for it.


Why pay the old pensions, they are useless, cannot work, a drain on the system, and their position in society should be re-evaluated. We just do not need the retired anymore, and a solution should be sorted out for those unable to support themselves.


Get rid of all parasites, but they need vilified and victimising first to justify what follows, just like those on benefits these days


My Dear Fellow,


Whilst I agree with the thrust of your argument, I do feel you are taking this matter too seriously, no UK government will ever implement the steps you and I know are the ones to restore the equilibrium.


The Labour party left us with debts which including private debt equals about 9 x what the country is worth. Whilst interest rates stay low any government can just about keep going, once those interest rates go up we are finished. It is only a matter of time.


Bankrupcy will be glorious, all those things you mention will inevitably come to pass. A new order for the country will emerge from the rubble of social welfare and socialism.


I hope you and I live to see the day.

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Working in the public sector it feels like we have too many. Incompetent staff are never reprimanded or fired. People have flouted the rules seriously and the worse that happens is they're sent packing with 'voluntary redundancy' (with a big fat lump of cash) while the rest of us have to take up the slack..... Unions. Need I say more!

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