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Pavillion Swallownest


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I was born in Swallownest - July 1940. My family had lived there for generations, some still olive in the area. As a small boy I used to go there with my grandfather about twice a week to the matinee, although cannot ever remember going to the Saturday "Tanner Rush" which was specially for children.


I think that the projectionist was called Alan Lax, friend of one of my uncles, so if Alan is still alive he will be around 90 years old now


No idea when the cinema stopped showing films, but would have been before late 1950's.


Not much information for you, but "every little bit helps"


Grey Eminence - Subang Jaya - Malaysia

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The sheffieldhistory.co.uk forum has a short thread about the Pavilion - here.

...I think that the projectionist was called Alan Lax, friend of one of my uncles, so if Alan is still alive he will be around 90 years old now...
Allan Lax became manager of the Pavilion; he died aged 80 in 1993, still living in Swallownest.
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Interesting Hillsboro - Alan and my Uncle Jack (Marshall) were friends from a young age and continued for a few years until Jack took a job move with the NHS to Worthing. He is long retired now and at retirement was a Coronor on the Brighton, Worthing, Arundel circuit. Also spent his working life on Cancer and Blood Research. Yes Alan would have been 80 when he died because he and Jack were same age and Jack is 90 in October (still ballroom dancing at 90)

Best Wishes - Victor - Grey Eminence - Subang Jaya - Malaysia


---------- Post added 04-09-2013 at 19:11 ----------




Dear Hilsboro, are you sure Alan Lax died in 1993 aged 80. He was frequently at my grandmothers with my Uncle Jack when I was young. There were usually a few other Swallownest guys of the same age with them. Jack is 10% certain aged 90 in October. My cousins in Worthing and Hove are already working on a big celebration party for him

Hasta Luego - Victor - Grey Eminence - Subang Jaya - Malaysia

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Hi Victor - Allan/Alan Lax isn't a common name, and so it was fairly easy to trace in BMD records. I can't find anyone of this name born in the UK between 1912 and 1932 (Allan Lax born 11 October 1912, died Sept. 1993 in the Rotherham registration district, and Allan Geoffrey Lax born 11 November 1932, died Oct. 1995 in the South Cheshire registration district). So this does seem to be conclusive. There is a marriage record of 1940 in the Rother Valley district, for Allan Lax and Bessie Chambers, likely children being Linda and Rosalyn, born 1943 and 1947.

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Thanks Hillsboro, I will check this out with Uncle Jack down in Worthing. May take a while because he leaves e mail reading and replying on the back burner until he feels like squinting at the screen. I e mail him in a 20 size font which helps. He has glaucoma which is a problem and made him stop driving last year. But he still goes ballroom dancing 2 or 3 times a week, and at about 80 got his Gold Medal - Best Regards - Victor - Malaysia


---------- Post added 05-09-2013 at 16:00 ----------


Do you mean the Baptist Chapel at Swallownest Bullerboy ??. Of so, what is yourt wifes maiden name, I may know her and her family is they are "0ld Swallownest" - I was born July 1940


Best Wishes - Victor - Malaysia

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es Victor i do,her name was Wright from School st and she was born there in 44.


---------- Post added 05-09-2013 at 09:39 ----------


es Victor i do,her name was Wright from School st and she was born there in 44.
Can you remember the Lunn family well her best friend was Beryl who sadly passed away 3yrs ago.
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Got to think about the name Wright in relation to School Street !

My grandmothers older sister lived there, Harry and Lotte (Charlotte - nee Wasteney) Lister. Harry's sister Olive also lived with them, she was mentally impaired was Old Olive. Others being Gerald Raynor, John Owen and Gary Goodwin (my age). Many more who's faces I can visualise, but at the moment cannot put a name to. I seem to remember that someone in one of the houses had a small shop in the front room, could have been sweets etc, but too long ago to remember exactly. I can remember most of the teachers at the school up to my leaving there in July 1951. Up to age me being 12 we lived on Aughton Road, opposite the Doctors Surgery - originally Dr Jimmy Shirlow and after he retired, Dr O'Sullivan. Then, the surgery and further along Albert Taylor the coal merchant were the only houses - no more until the houses over Diggers Hill and into Aughton. My parenst then bought asnother house down Park Hill, before the field which then led down to the Henry Boot houses at the start of Fence. All houses now since Ken Siddall inherited the farm and sold the land for housing. He still lives at the farm house but also has a cottage in Whitby. Swallownest was Swallownest then, not a suburb of Sheffield !!!! is that good or bad I wonder ????

Best Wishes - Victor - Grey Eminence - Malaysia

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Hello Victor,

This thread is nothing about the Pavilion, but you seem to have lot's of knowledge about old Swallownest! I am researching my family tree, and have hit a brick wall. I remember as a child in the 50's, my parent's visiting a bungalow, either on Manvers Rd, or Eden Grove. The relation was my mum's. I think she was called Edna...her parents were Fred and Ellen Marsh, and lived at Aston Terrace (now demolished) I think they were called Smith, and had a Polish lodger living with them called Tony. He was a miner ! Hopefully you might just remember something about them. Cal.

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