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What do you think..is this karma?


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I've never been raped so I can only go on the accounts of those with first hand experience and from what I can gather, rape is considered to be a pretty heinous crime.




I find it odd that you need confirmation from a victim that it's a heinous crime.





Edit: Second thoughts, no I don't.

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No. because saying it served the rapist right, is tantamount to saying the woman he raped deserved to have AIDS too...



:hihi::hihi::hihi: You have some really mad ideas!

Saying its karma is NO reflection on the victim at all and certainly does NOT mean to say the women deserves aids in the first place. Well not on planet earth anyway.



As for the rapist. Good! Its the best form of karma. Hopefully hell have little or no access to medication to control the disease and then nature can takes its course.

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It could be, it depends on if he was made to hand over a chunk of it to his victims.


One rapist may be HIV+ from raping a victim = karma


One rapist wins a fortune on the lottery, if they pay something to the victim = karma


Here's a theory to ponder - Karma doesn't exit.

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