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What do you think..is this karma?


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I do not believe nature conforms exactly to the dictates of human morality. What about all the rapists who get away with it? What about people who are falsely accused of rape and lose their career and reputation?


I do think there is a kind of karma, in that we can't escape from ourselves; we always know, deep down, what kind of person we really are; and while people who do bad things may get away with it, they will not have the same inner peace and sense of self-respect, that a decent minded person has.

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This is a quote from the rapists defence barrister:


Virginia Hayton, said: "It is his own fault, if he had not committed this offence he would not have placed himself in this position."


His defence was he was off his face on drink and drugs at the time.

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:hihi::hihi::hihi: You have some really mad ideas!

Saying its karma is NO reflection on the victim at all and certainly does NOT mean to say the women deserves aids in the first place. Well not on planet earth anyway.



As for the rapist. Good! Its the best form of karma. Hopefully hell have little or no access to medication to control the disease and then nature can takes its course.


why is it mad?


"He is an evil person, therefore he deserves to get AIDS..."


so that means "aids is a just punishment for an evildoer"


how large a leap does one need to make from that, to the idea that "Well, SHE (the woman he raped) got AIDS, so therefore that must mean SHE is evil and deserving of AIDS"... Which she absolutely is not.


What did that woman do that she deserved to have AIDS? Nothing!


And of course, there's no question that he will be able to have access to the best treatment for the HIV infections (anti virals etc)whilst he is in prison, even if that's only a token to protect the Warders and the other prisoners.

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why is it mad?


"He is an evil person, therefore he deserves to get AIDS..."


so that means "aids is a just punishment for an evildoer"


how large a leap does one need to make from that, to the idea that "Well, SHE (the woman he raped) got AIDS, so therefore that must mean SHE is evil and deserving of AIDS"... Which she absolutely is not.


What did that woman do that she deserved to have AIDS? Nothing!




You see the blue sphere on the right?

Thats us. The one on the left is the Sun. In any sane persons heads thats roughly how far the leap would be.

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