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More than 300,000 attempts to access porn from Parliament

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Let us fill in the picture, of not only over 800 searches for porn per day but it seems that there the same crop of computers access Facebook 3 million times a month.


The figures for porn site visits are massaged as its an average, and is obviously higher as the MEMBERS are in recess a lot, as the house shuts down.


Let us hope this crop of career politicians with their rubbish degrees, do at least know how to claim for their expenses, as they criticise those that need benefits as many of their sponsors pay below a living wage.


So voting for various individuals that have no actual knowledge of the real world, one is therefore forced to vote for idiots regardless of the party or banner they choose to stand under. So voting for Cameron for instance allows the Mali and Libya wars, helping terrorists in Syria, while getting ready for the big one, Iran. You could not vote for a better quality of liar if they were headhunted for one personally.

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A bit of common sense would indicate that I was referring to public sector employees who post on the internet all day.


Contrary to your own philosophy, I've learned not to presume anything. And please tell us which department these public sector employees work in who are posting on the internet all day. Are they night-shift workers by any chance?

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maybe they just mis-spelled and were searching for elections




---------- Post added 05-09-2013 at 17:06 ----------



>>John McCain caught playing POKER on his iPhone during crucial Senate hearing on whether to take military action in Syria.

He told CNN "As much as I like to, and always listen in rapt attention constantly to the remarks of my colleagues over a three and a half hour period, occasionally I get a little bored. ... But the worst thing about it is I lost thousands of dollars in this game."

Fake dollars, he quickly added.<<


But don't let's worry about that? At least it wasn't porn?


---------- Post added 05-09-2013 at 17:28 ----------




---------- Post added 05-09-2013 at 17:06 ----------



>>John McCain caught playing POKER on his iPhone during crucial Senate hearing on whether to take military action in Syria.

He told CNN "As much as I like to, and always listen in rapt attention constantly to the remarks of my colleagues over a three and a half hour period, occasionally I get a little bored. ... But the worst thing about it is I lost thousands of dollars in this game."

Fake dollars, he quickly added.<<


But don't let's worry about that? At least it wasn't porn?

Just a thought.. What does McCain's actions indicate? What it SHOWS is that he already knows, or THINKS he knows the outcome of the hearings, nothing more nothing less.

''Nero also 'fiddled' while Rome burned?''

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