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More than 300,000 attempts to access porn from Parliament

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Not mother and wife?? Are you saying that women are not accessing porn? Is porn in your view a purely male preserve?


Of course not mother and wife. The numbers of straight women in the average nuclear family who watch porn are so minute it's not even worth mentioning. Everyone knows the porn industry is controlled by men and sustained by men. To think otherwise would be cretinous.


And I'm just saying that those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. No point getting your knickers in a bunch worrying about what some random politician is doing miles away when your own husband is watching hardcore porn in your own house. That situation doesn't strike you as having bigger fish to fry. And please ladies, don't embarrass yourselves by stating "your" husband doesn't watch porn, it's a guaranteed statistical fact that he has and does.


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The numbers of straight women in the average nuclear family who watch porn are so minute it's not even worth mentioning.


What do you mean by "straight women"? Straight as opposed to what?



"Nuclear family" A social science term added to your waffle doesn't make it any less waffle.

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What do you mean by "straight women"? Straight as opposed to what?



"Nuclear family" A social science term added to your waffle doesn't make it any less waffle.


My post makes perfect sense. If you need to ask what I meant by "straight women"? Straight as opposed to what?... then maybe the internet isn't for you.


As for Nuclear family, again, it made perfect sense to use this term in relation to my post


The nuclear family or elementary family is a term used to define a family group consisting of a pair of adults,[1] usually a husband and his wife (from global and historical perspective),[2] and their children. This is in contrast to a single-parent family, to the larger extended family, and to a family with more than two parents. Nuclear families typically center on a married couple;[1] the nuclear family may have any number of children.


see, very simple.


You're going to need to try harder, I can hit these out of the park all day. :D

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When you are an MP you have to do something to pass the day, it's quite clear that many/most of them have no conception of WORK.



Think you ment concept .When i worked in the service dept. of a private company i had to make out a time sheet each day showing how my time had been spent, how about MPs filling one in, it could read like this.


10-12 checking email

12-2.00 lunch break

2.00-4.00 rechecking email


go home tired after a long hard day.

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Of course not mother and wife. The numbers of straight women in the average nuclear family


So if their not "straight"..please define "straight" in relation to the Nuclear family?, only then we can conclude what you're banging on about.


My post makes perfect sense. If you need to ask what I meant by "straight women"? Straight as opposed to what?... then maybe the internet isn't for you.


Why with almost every reply you answer with "it's obvious" without making it obvious from your perspective?



As for Nuclear family, again, it made perfect sense to use this term in relation to my post


The nuclear family or elementary family is a term used to define a family group consisting of a pair of adults,[1] usually a husband and his wife (from global and historical perspective),[2] and their children. This is in contrast to a single-parent family, to the larger extended family, and to a family with more than two parents. Nuclear families typically center on a married couple;[1] the nuclear family may have any number of children.


see, very simple.


You're going to need to try harder, I can hit these out of the park all day. :D


I don't have to try, I understand plainly what it means. So, back to my first two questions.

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So if their not "straight"..please define "straight" in relation to the Nuclear family?, only then we can conclude what you're banging on about.



I have a very strict rule on forums.


Anyone who requests I "define" something totally obvious to even a simpleton gets their request put in my,


totally boring and tedious pigeonhole. So I've filed your request there for now and I'll definitely come back to it at some point in the future.


In the meantime, please try and keep focus to the thread topic skinz so there can be a natural flow of discussion. Thank you.

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Of course not mother and wife. The numbers of straight women in the average nuclear family who watch porn are so minute it's not even worth mentioning. Everyone knows the porn industry is controlled by men and sustained by men. To think otherwise would be cretinous.


And I'm just saying that those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. No point getting your knickers in a bunch worrying about what some random politician is doing miles away when your own husband is watching hardcore porn in your own house. That situation doesn't strike you as having bigger fish to fry. And please ladies, don't embarrass yourselves by stating "your" husband doesn't watch porn, it's a guaranteed statistical fact that he has and does.



touched a nerve have i?

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