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Hot or Cold person?

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My daughter started school yesterday, and already she is complaining about it being too hot, because she has to wear the school uniform.


Having discussed the issue with friends, people that are cold, and dont sweat, dont seem to understand the problem.

She has to wear a jumper, and when its hot they can get permision to take them off.


But one persons definition of hot, is anothers normal weather. She has been to the doctors about sweating, she has been prescribe a high strength dioderant.


Are you a hot person, and so understand her issue?

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Aye, I am a hot person and can perspire even thinking about the sun, so I can understand your problem. It can be a pest at times.




Me too, but its still difficult to understand and advise another person. I have coped with it all my like, that is just how I am. But for my daughter, it maybe the same; or like 'embarrassing bodies' it could be a medical issue solved by surgery.

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i'm another hottie - i break into a horrible sweat just thinking about warm weather


thankfully, when i was at school they weren't so strict on uniforms, and didn't appreciate sweat drops on school books


i sympathise with your daughter's plight - i can see why schools want the pupils to wear the uniforms around the school, but surely teacher's should have discretion in their own classrooms - pupils learn a lot better if they are comfortable

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i sympathise with your daughter's plight - i can see why schools want the pupils to wear the uniforms around the school, but surely teacher's should have discretion in their own classrooms - pupils learn a lot better if they are comfortable


I am holding back at making it official, because I dont want the word to spread around school, she is the sweaty or hot one.

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I suffer from hyperhidrosis, which is over-sweating, and I can break out in a sweat the moment I step out of the shower in the summer! Has she been given anhydrol forte solution by any chance? This is available without a prescription at most pharmacies, and works a little differently to normal deodorants, in that you apply it at night, and then wash it off the next morning. It might help her with the sweating, which will probably be embarrassing her at school. If she has seen a doctor, then she should be able to get a medical note off him/her and show it to the school. She should definitely not be made to suffer because of what is effectively a medical condition, and therefore out of her control. They may then allow her to remove the jumper regardless of the weather. Hope you sort it for her :)


Just to add - there are two options available for those who don't respond to the anhydrol treatment - botox in the specified area every 9 months, or surgical removal of sweat glands. Neither sound particularly appealing, but maybe thats just me...

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I suffer from hyperhidrosis, which is over-sweating, and I can break out in a sweat the moment I step out of the shower in the summer! Has she been given anhydrol forte solution by any chance? This is available without a prescription at most pharmacies, and works a little differently to normal deodorants..


Yes, in roll on form, do you mean medicine in a solution?

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No, it is a roll-on! I call it a solution as whenever I've purchased the non-branded version, it comes as two liquids which I have to mix myself. Apologies for being unclear. I wish there was a medicine for it, would be easier! Has she found it helpful?

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No, it is a roll-on! I call it a solution as whenever I've purchased the non-branded version, it comes as two liquids which I have to mix myself. Apologies for being unclear. I wish there was a medicine for it, would be easier! Has she found it helpful?


She is 13 and only just starting to sort her problem out, so she has only had the roll on for 2 days. Because she is a child, its free on prescription.

You mix it yourself and then spread it on?

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