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Former TA soldier becomes UK's first transgender Muslim woman!

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Female:- one who identifies as being a woman or girl...


Women can have two X chromosomes, or even three or more. They can have XO and XY karyotypes. Males can have XY karyotypes, or karyotypes of XXY, or XYY... (or multiples of those) the only thing a male cannot possibly be is "YO", as that karyotype is incompatible with life. you Must have at least the one X chrromosome to sustain life.


Just because YOU say something that doesn't make it fact. The definition I gave you is the accepted scientific definition of what constitutes a male or female. I seriously should not have to educate you on how to make such a distinction.


However your focus on the chromosomes shows your lack of understanding as I also went on to state a female creates female gametes and males create male gametes. Does this Bloke make eggs or sperm?


Its a dude, not a woman and no matter how many times you say he is a woman or call him a woman, that doesn't make a blind bit of difference to the persons sex.

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Its a dude, not a woman and no matter how many times you say he is a woman or call him a woman, that doesn't make a blind bit of difference to the persons sex.


But it does in terms of how we view he/she, assuming of course we're not hoping to engage in a reproductive relationship with them :)

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If a psycologically [sic] imbalanced man thought he was king he would be assessed for disorders such as schizophrenia, which is a completely different illness to gender dysphoria, so your comparison fails.

People with gender dysphoria have to go through a rigorous procedure to become the gender that they associate with, and are assessed for surgery by a team of professionals with many years training; not by a vox populi. Thankfully.


Nope, the simile is actually more effective as I you cannot prove a man who claims to be king of the world is not in fact the king, while I can easily prove this man is a man with a simple blood test.


Put it this way, if this man dies and his body is left to decompose and the body is unidentifiable. How do the police tell the sex? Do they take into account the person's psychological condition? No, they look at physical markers and genetic tests because they are the scientific methods used to differentiate between the sexes.


---------- Post added 04-09-2013 at 18:59 ----------


But it does in terms of how we view he/she, assuming of course we're not hoping to engage in a reproductive relationship with them :)


How the person sees them self is purely down to them. If they want to live and dress as a woman that is their right.


My beef is others treating this person as a woman and giving them the same privileges.


As a woman would you be happy for this man to use the female changing rooms at your local swimming pool while you change in there, just because he wants to be referred to as a woman?

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Just because YOU say something that doesn't make it fact. The definition I gave you is the accepted scientific definition of what constitutes a male or female. I seriously should not have to educate you on how to make such a distinction.


However your focus on the chromosomes shows your lack of understanding as I also went on to state a female creates female gametes and males create male gametes. Does this Bloke make eggs or sperm?


Its a dude, not a woman and no matter how many times you say he is a woman or call him a woman, that doesn't make a blind bit of difference to the persons sex.


Any endocrinologist will put you straight on that, wex. (my bold)


A woman with an XO karyotype is a woman.


a man with an XYY/ XXY karyotype is a man.

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But it does in terms of how we view he/she, assuming of course we're not hoping to engage in a reproductive relationship with them :)


I think the mix-up is due to not distinguishing between biological and social (incl. self identity) aspects of a person. The individual in question, seems to be biologically male, yet has a female social identity.

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to remind you, what you said was this:-




You gave no quarter in that straight-up statement, not a "Well my friend doesn't want kids, that's ok.." you said every woman should if they can. That's unequivocal.


I would say this woman in the article is one of the "women who can't have their own kids"


:hihi: Ahh bless you dear. As you can see in my post and in particular the bit you quoted i actually said 'if you can'. :)


---------- Post added 04-09-2013 at 19:05 ----------


She falls into the category of a women that is unable to conceive because she has a medical condition which meant she was born without the necessary organs.


I think youll find its because she was born a he and will deep down always be a he.


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I think the mix-up is due to not distinguishing between biological and social (incl. self identity) aspects of a person. The individual in question, seems to be biologically male, yet has a female social identity.


Physically her body has been changed to resemble the female body as she's had a sex change. It must be hell having to live as a woman when everyone knows you as a man, and vice versa. If someone feels strongly enough to endure the stigma and several painful operations, then lets recognise them in the way they portray themselves.


Unfortunately for her, in the photos Lucy still looks very masculine, which certainly isn't the case for all transgender women.


Why can't we all just be kind to one another?

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Soooooo.... why specifically should British Muslims be less tolerant than those in Iran?


Are you saying that Iranians are inherently more tolerant than us?


They are less tolerant because they are Shiite rather than Shia. I think. Any muslim want to confirm that?

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Nope, the simile is actually more effective as I you cannot prove a man who claims to be king of the world is not in fact the king, while I can easily prove this man is a man with a simple blood test.


Put it this way, if this man dies and his body is left to decompose and the body is unidentifiable. How do the police tell the sex? Do they take into account the person's psychological condition? No, they look at physical markers and genetic tests because they are the scientific methods used to differentiate between the sexes.


---------- Post added 04-09-2013 at 18:59 ----------



How the person sees them self is purely down to them. If they want to live and dress as a woman that is their right.


My beef is others treating this person as a woman and giving them the same privileges.


As a woman would you be happy for this man to use the female changing rooms at your local swimming pool while you change in there, just because he wants to be referred to as a woman?


a) I have a friend who was born with a condition called Pseudohermaphroditism. This made her body take on the external appearance of a male, despite having female internal organs. She was brought up as a boy, despite 'knowing' in her head, that she was female. The "enlightened doctors put her through all sorts of torture, including aversion therapy which involved electric shocks, to convince her to think otherwise, that she was a male. It was only when she was rushed in hospital for an emergency appendectomy that the doctors discovered, on opening her up for the appendectomy, that her internal organs were female.


If she were skeletonised, would her skull have looked like a male skull? Or would it look like a female skull? What about her pelvis (the other main signposting-tool for gender) would that be a male-looking pelvis, or a female-looking pelvis?


b) I am not happy at sharing the changing room at the swimming pool with anyone else. Male or female.


Why does it matter that someone born as one sex wishes to live as a member of the other sex? how are they hurting anyone else by doing so?

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Physically her body has been changed to resemble the female body as she's had a sex change. It must be hell having to live as a woman when everyone knows you as a man, and vice versa. If someone feels strongly enough to endure the stigma and several painful operations, then lets recognise them in the way they portray themselves.


Unfortunately for her, in the photos Lucy still looks very masculine, which certainly isn't the case for all transgender women.


Why can't we all just be kind to one another?


Are you suggesting we should do away with truthfulness, in order to protect people's feelings?


Why can't people be kind, and honest, with one another?

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