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Former TA soldier becomes UK's first transgender Muslim woman!

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I think youll find its because she was born a he and will deep down always be a he.



Yes that's correct, the problem he as though is that his brain is female, and as doctors can't change his brain, its easy and better for him to make him as close to female as possible and allow him to live his life as a female.

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As a woman would you be happy for this man to use the female changing rooms at your local swimming pool while you change in there, just because he wants to be referred to as a woman?


Well to be honest I'm not particularly hung up about mixed changing rooms anyway, even if I were female.

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Nope, the simile is actually more effective as I you cannot prove a man who claims to be king of the world is not in fact the king, while I can easily prove this man is a man with a simple blood test.


Put it this way, if this man dies and his body is left to decompose and the body is unidentifiable. How do the police tell the sex? Do they take into account the person's psychological condition? No, they look at physical markers and genetic tests because they are the scientific methods used to differentiate between the sexes.


---------- Post added 04-09-2013 at 18:59 ----------



How the person sees them self is purely down to them. If they want to live and dress as a woman that is their right.


My beef is others treating this person as a woman and giving them the same privileges.


As a woman would you be happy for this man to use the female changing rooms at your local swimming pool while you change in there, just because he wants to be referred to as a woman?


Being pre op transgender can be incredibly distressing for the individual - it's not merely someone wanting 'to be referred to as a woman'.

I remember reading a case of a young boy with gender dysphoria not so long ago who tried to cut off his own penis as it felt alien to him.

Why do you have a beef about treating a male who feels they have been born in the body & given the same privieges as a female? Do you not think they have enough to cope with as well as everyone else's prejudices and assumptions?

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Interesting story here of a former labourer and Territorial Army soldier who has had a sex change and religion change and is now a hijab wearing girl called Lucy!




I know I shouldn't but I really couldn't stifle a laugh over this.


Why would you laugh at a transgendered person? You got to hand it to them, it takes some balls to do what they have done, risking their friendships, family etc

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Any endocrinologist will put you straight on that, wex. (my bold)


A woman with an XO karyotype is a woman.


a man with an XYY/ XXY karyotype is a man.


These are genetic defects, not the norm.


I am assuming this guy has XY chromosomes but considering the percentage of the population that has the genetic defects you sue as evidence to back up your claim, its a safe assumption.


If the guy has XY chromosomes and produces male gametes, he is a guy to any scientist or anyone with a nounce of understanding of basic biology. Psychological disorders DO NOT overrule scientific theory.


Your examples are completely pointless and yet again you ignore my second point about the production of gametes.


---------- Post added 04-09-2013 at 22:31 ----------


Well to be honest I'm not particularly hung up about mixed changing rooms anyway, even if I were female.


You know what, I have thought you were a woman ever since I started reading SF. Maybe you have a "quality" ... Infact its your avatar that convinced me you were a woman, but on closer inspection, the pic could well be a guy too. In any case, I made a mistake :)

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