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Westway; All changed again?


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The point I was making, and its not just about rock fans, but people generally complain that there's nothing to do or that its a shame something is going but when its on offer they do nothing to support it - like they just want it there for decoration. I have seen some well advertised night go to pot simply because of apathy.


Ah, a different kettle of dish indeed!! I had overlooked this aspect in my replies. This is a very difficult and intangible concept to understand, that people SO COMPLAIN LIKE CRAZY that there is nothing to go out for, and then when its provided for them, they cant be bothered. It is a trait I cant understand at all myself, and all so very contradictory. There is no cure for this it would seem...apathy has been the ruin of many a good night in the past 5 years, and as you say, it applies to both brilliantly promoted nights and others with zero marketing.


A good question is if apathy is exclusive to the rock market in Sheffield, or does it effect ANY genre? I do not have the answer to this. IT could be apathy is related to age, as many 'older' rockers seem to be effected by this curious apathy which allows them out of the house only on Saturday nights and then only to a rather staid and predictable timetable of venues.


The solution to apathy for all seems to be getting any event or night part of the socio-cultural consciousnes of a whole community of people. Nights that can achieve this sort of status are quite rare, probably being confined to the Corp at weekends, (arguably Wednesdays/Mondays as well), Fuzz Club at the University Union, Casbah Sat nights, the Nelson Sat night rock rooms, etc.


Creating something new that can permeate this stratosphere of 'rock consciousnes' is always going to be a hard struggle. It can take in some cases, years to build up such a powerful part of a community mass-consciousness. With such a selection of established entertainment, one could argue that further additions require an enormous boost, hence my marketing stuff expounded upon in earlier posts on this thread.


While some nights will always flourish quickly based on no advertising and word of mouth, etc, it would appear from many examples of recent pub./club history that such nights also die off relatively quickly.


However, I always support in principle any new event, and wish I could have been at the Westway for the other night, but as stated, take 2 days off from the Forum and I missed the announcement. Ideally, big build up needed.

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  • 3 months later...

*Hugs* I know it was a difficult decision to make and you know my thoughts on the matter (I shalln't be airing them on a public forum).


I shall of course be following that_animal, not that I was ever actually official involved with the place, I just kinda became its unofficial spokes person on here. So if you have any questions about the old place you or any of the ads I put up previously you'll have to redirect them to the new management!


See you soon, with new nights at a new venue...........

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All change again. I have handed in my notice at Westway and as of 24th will be having nothing to do with the venue. Thank you to all who supported me there, watch for a thread of new beginings shortly.


Well mate, thanks for letting me use the pub for the party last tuesday.

Was a bit quieter than I had hoped but it went ok.


Watch the cctv - it will be good for a laugh :heyhey:


Please note - my alter ego wishes to keep his identity a secret !!!


And good luck in your new venture :thumbsup:

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