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Kent Crashes on A249

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Whist it was an horrendous accident, with 130 vehicles involved, it was lucky there were no fatalities,


It only takes a few idiots to cause accidents like these, so it's unfair to blame all the drivers.


Fortunately, I've only been involved in one shunt accident and that was clearly caused by the driver behind.

She was driving too fast, down the Parkway circa 08:00, went into me and I hit the guy in front. In this case there was no fog.


Both myself and the cars in front were temporarily stationary, due to Traffic Lights.

Fortunately there were no injuries.


Had myself and the driver behind been going faster, then who knows how many cars would have been hit.


Going across any bridge where there's a predominance of water underneath, with the change of overnight weather, then it's not surprising there was fog.


Perhaps the driving test should include a basic weather course as there always seems to be accidents where fog is to blame. Let's ban fog, not bad drivers.


Your "it's not fair to blame" and "just a few" is precisely the point of my post.

Unless the majority of drivers reflect and decide to take more space (less vision, less space, less speed) these incidents will continue to grab a headline until it's "fish and chip" paper and nothing will change and we can ready ourselves for the next hand-wringing.

Lessons to deal with fog? Well that should be covered in normal lessons and/or in PassPlus (now devalued by insurers and the DSA). But many learn Spring-Summer and barely have a chance to drive in fog and learners/parents are loathe to fund post-test training - after all, how many ask on here for a good instructor (sub-text "get me through the test as quickly and as cheaply as possible"?

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Living in Kent it's my opinion that the driving ability here is just b.. awful.

Drivers approach a roundabout signal right and go straight on , if they signal at all:loopy:

Others seem to think is mandatory to stop at a roundabout even if there's nothing else around.

It's safer driving in London than round here.

The inhabitants of the Isle of Sheppey have the reputation on the "mainland" of being a load of inbred retards so I'm not surprised at this incident.


ps I am not from Kent originally but from the right side of the river.

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It only takes a few idiots to cause accidents like these, so it's unfair to blame all the drivers.


Precisely, they interviewed a few people for the news and there was a fair few storys along the lines of:


"I stopped in time, then got rear-ended by a van and pushed into the car in front"

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