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Al-Sweady inquiry: Soldier 'shot Iraqi bodies'

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We aren't talking about squaddies taking ears off the enemy dead a la universal soldier we are talking about the possibility of being a bit thorough. I've read what one of the relatives have said about the bodies and unless they saw it happen they can't possibly know how it happened. They died a violent death but we all knew that already.


I agree, we shouldn't be getting overly mealy mouthed about it, but there's certainly a tone here amongst some posters that lopping ears off and worse would be fair game!

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This the story that A "very angry" sergeant fired bullets into the bodies of Iraqis who were still "twitching" after a gun battle.


Imagine if the headline read "Iraqi soldiers fired into the twitching bodies of British squaddies"


Still happy about the idea?



Its a war.


I guess anything goes then.


People with this kind of attitude have been responsible for a lot of the worst things that the human race has perpetuated down through the centuries.


It's quite worrying how easily the intellectually challenged can be whipped up into a murderous frenzy over people they've never met, in a country they've never visited.


Oh, and before anyone mentions "terrorism":


Saddam 'had no link to al-Qaeda'


The finding is contained in a 2005 CIA report released by the Senate's Intelligence Committee on Friday.


"Saddam Hussein was distrustful of al-Qaeda and viewed Islamic extremists as a threat to his regime, refusing all requests from al-Qaeda to provide material or operational support.


LINK [bBC News, 9 September 2006]


"refusing all requests from al-Qaeda to provide material or operational support".


Perhaps he felt safe enough, what with all his Weapons of Mass destruction.


Oh, wait.... :o


Sorry chumps, you've been had. Duped. Diddled. Conned. Sold a pup.


Eventually you might come to undestand that.

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Imagine if the headline read "Iraqi soldiers fired into the twitching bodies of British squaddies"


Still happy about the idea?





I guess anything goes then.


People with this kind of attitude have been responsible for a lot of the worst things that the human race has perpetuated down through the centuries.


It's quite worrying how easily the intellectually challenged can be whipped up into a murderous frenzy over people they've never met, in a country they've never visited.


Oh, and before anyone mentions "terrorism":




LINK [bBC News, 9 September 2006]


"refusing all requests from al-Qaeda to provide material or operational support".


Perhaps he felt safe enough, what with all his Weapons of Mass destruction.


Oh, wait.... :o


Sorry chumps, you've been had. Duped. Diddled. Conned. Sold a pup.


Eventually you might come to undestand that.


You enjoying all that nice cheap petrol & natural gas?


Anyone with a brain knows it was all about oil. Thats just the way the world is.


Anyway.....i dont want to go off subject. Start another thread.

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Imagine if the headline read "Iraqi soldiers fired into the twitching bodies of British squaddies"


Still happy about the idea?





I guess anything goes then.


People with this kind of attitude have been responsible for a lot of the worst things that the human race has perpetuated down through the centuries.


It's quite worrying how easily the intellectually challenged can be whipped up into a murderous frenzy over people they've never met, in a country they've never visited.


Oh, and before anyone mentions "terrorism":




LINK [bBC News, 9 September 2006]


"refusing all requests from al-Qaeda to provide material or operational support".


Perhaps he felt safe enough, what with all his Weapons of Mass destruction.


Oh, wait.... :o


Sorry chumps, you've been had. Duped. Diddled. Conned. Sold a pup.


Eventually you might come to undestand that.


If you can find anyone on this thread supporting the Iraq war or agreeing to the supposition that aq were working with Sadam please show it. This is a thread talking about whether British soldiers mutilated Iraqi combatants. If you want an example of mutilated combatants have a read about what half a dozen (I forget the exact number) of redcaps went through. That episode also remains unresolved by Iraqi authorities to my knowledge.

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People see these stupid american films with machine guns fired from the hip jumping through windows.its not like that in real life one bit.death is is not a thing you ever forget.especially when its someone you have fought and lived with with.people don't just roll over nicely and go to sleep when they are shot or injured they die in agony screaming and shouting for life.combat does a lot to a person it changes they way they think.these people would have been trying there hardest to kill you and would not have shown any mercy had it been the other way round.a half dead soldier is still a risk there is nothing to stop him pulling a gun out or detonating a grenade taking you and a lot more out...its battle its war its what happens..

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Harold Shipman got pleasure out of doing certain aspects of his job, as did Beverley Allitt. I'm not saying soldiers shouldn't enjoy what they do, there are lots of things they do that they should derive pleasure from..but being over zealous on the killing fields perhaps isn't one of them.


How many wounded Japs shot or blew up American medics who were trying to help them in WW2?

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