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Al-Sweady inquiry: Soldier 'shot Iraqi bodies'

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And you know this how?


Theoretically if they were still alive, they could have pulled a pin on a grenade.


What better way of claiming your virgins than blowing yourself up along with a couple of folks who are trying to help you.

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If you think im going to help derail this thread,with someone so clueless on the subject,then your very much mistaken.

Your asking me to back up something that happened.

Its not a conspiracy,its not my opinion,it actually happened.


You shouldn't make unfounded claims if you can't support them with evidence.

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Same with anyone on here..could all be true, could all be a croc. Just because you profess something doesn't make it so, it only makes it so in hyper space. Those who beat their manly chest the loudest are usually the weakest..in reality.


Well I'm one of the few who did wear one. Two in fact. Without going into a lot of old soldiers yarns I can say that booby trapping dead bodies is a habit in war.

Going back in history the Germans did it in WW2 and perhaps even the allies also.


In Afghan they're fighting an enemy who is extremely fanatical to his cause and certainly not afraid to die. For them the glory and rewards come in the "afterlife"

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In an ideal world,what you are saying is spot on.

But in this world,bent lobbying decisions happen all too often.


Well, Blair's lies and exaggeration aside, I think my point still stands. He was duly elected, and as such, his dishonesty simply demonstrates that a poor choice was made by the electorate.

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Well I'm one of the few who did wear one. Two in fact. Without going into a lot of old soldiers yarns I can say that booby trapping dead bodies is a habit in war.

Going back in history the Germans did it in WW2 and perhaps even the allies also.


In Afghan they're fighting an enemy who is extremely fanatical to his cause and certainly not afraid to die. For them the glory and rewards come in the "afterlife"


Oldest trick in the book, but not one that fishes know about.

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With respect, that's a very silly question. Of course soldiers have the right to defend themselves if they come under fire, but mutilating the dead is absolutely not cricket. The Iraqis in this incident were either dead or dying - either way they did not present a threat.


How do you know they did not present a threat ? Where you there ?

A dying person can still pull the trigger of a gun or detonate a grenade. If you were the soldier who had shot this person and still saw signs of life and possibly still a threat that they may repay the favour, would you not shoot twice ?

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How do you know they did not present a threat ? Where you there ?

A dying person can still pull the trigger of a gun or detonate a grenade. If you were the soldier who had shot this person and still saw signs of life and possibly still a threat that they may repay the favour, would you not shoot twice ?


Particularly as you are dealing with an enemy that does not respect the Geneva Convention.

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