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Is the country full up

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From a 'space' point of view... No.


From an infrastructure (Quality living) point of view... Yes and we were full up years ago.


I seem to recall a 'fact' (whether true or not is hard to prove either way) that the entire worlds population could fit (Technically) standing room only on the Isle of Wight. :suspect:


Agree. Not sure about the Isle of Wight bit but it rings a bell. Does anyone drive around the roads of this country and go "wow isn't this motorway quiet?" on a regular basis? Maybe they've got kids and think "look at all those spaces at half decent state schools! How ever shall I pick?" Ditto everything else, including, if you live in south east, water. Its not just climate change that causes droughts, its stupid levels of water extraction. Move to the highlands of Scotland but don't whinge when you can't get anything apart from sheep, trees and a very shallow gene pool.

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Is the country full up ? Well, hang on a minute ; as soon as I get this bloke's elbow out of the way, I 'll try and answer that. There 's 3 of us squashed up in this hospital bed [ no details, sorry ] and mealtimes are a nightmare.


We saw a doctor last week. He didn 't have time to speak or anything-----we just saw him.


My kids were coming to visit me this evening but they're on the night shift at school this week.


They say a woman in the neighbouring ward nearly suffocated 2 days ago on a bus and Heathrow 's gridlocked again.


I can 't understand all this overcrowding. Why don 't a few million go and live on Dartmoor or the Lake District ? Too selfish to ' up-sticks ' I suppose.

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The isle of wight thing is a myth, note even close.

If you go back to the 20's. the UK population. Was. in the mid 20 millions and Isuppose. If you asked whether you could triple it peoplewould have said. we'll sink.

Malé has increased its population 5fold. in 25years,thats. snug

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A country is full up when it reaches the limit of the number of people it can feed from within it's own shores. We passed that point long ago.


Its not just about food.


If the population is so dense that it causes environmental deterioration.

An impaired quality of life.

Depletion of natural resources.


Then we are described as overpopulated.


Its safe to say we are already overpopulated.

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