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Is the country full up

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The focus on immigration - rather than the demographics of those living here - that is more people are choosing to live alone, people living longer, and higher marital seperation means that the demand for seperate spaces is higher.

i'm not sure about migration though - the ratio of people coming into the country as opposed to those leaving it....


Can anyone provide this information ?

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I don't think the UK is full up. We're an ageing population (I'm one of the oldies) and we need younger people to work and pay into the system like we did. .


That would be fine, if the younger people actually wanted to work, and pay into the system. Unfortunately, if the majority of the 18-25 demographic in South Yorkshire is anything to judge by, then we're buggered.

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Maybe get some more doctors, dentists or midwives then. There's no shortage of people who want those jobs, the medical schools are full of keen students.


Or perhaps we could import some if we can't train up enough of our own.....

Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

I find that a totally immoral outlook, I think we've stolen enough skilled personnel already from countries that have spend money on educating and training people, and can't afford to lose them. And yet I bet, judging your past efforts, you'd be one of the first criticising the old British Empire for siphoning off other countries wealth in the past.


Although, like MsMacBeth, maybe you think it's justified so that when you're old people you continue to live the good life on other people's contributions?

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I've met loads of people who think we're over-populated. None of them have ever said what they mean by over-populated and none of them have decided not to have kids so as not to make the problems even worse.


I do find it ironic that some people blame immigration for a shortage of doctors when over a third of UK doctors are immigrants.


They don't count LeMaquis, they're only seen as immigrants when they're down Page Hall breathing fire on the natives.

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No, we can squeeze many more people into the country as long as some people don't mind their quality of life deteriorating.


That sounds like an entirely selfish reason to conclude that we aren't overpopulated......


There's selfish and there's selfish.


---------- Post added 05-09-2013 at 17:46 ----------




Can anyone provide this information ?


It's known as net migration and is in the news a lot; http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-23878689

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I find that a totally immoral outlook, I think we've stolen enough skilled personnel already from countries that have spend money on educating and training people, and can't afford to lose them.
Crikey, sounding a lot like Nick Griff there nj? :suspect:


And yet I bet, judging your past efforts, you'd be one of the first criticising the old British Empire for siphoning off other countries wealth in the past.
If you feel so aggrieved by it, I'm sure they'd love some of it back.

Although, like MsMacBeth, maybe you think it's justified so that when you're old people you continue to live the good life on other people's contributions?

That's what's happening now and has been for the last 30 years...despite what the general population believe national insurance was never intended to be 'insurance', nor was it costed properly based on erroneous calculations of life expectancy and retirement ages, I'm afraid you and me my friend have been subsidising pensioners for many decades.
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You working longer creates its own problems, like denying your children the chance to climb the employment ladder.

No it doesn't, the point was made that the population needs to increase so there is someone to do the work, my response is that it doesn't because the people already here can do the work if we work longer. I would rather work longer than deliberately increase the population.



Macbeth makes a good point, depending on how old you are now, you could realistically look forward to living until you're 90..who's going to provide the social/health care that you need or pay the taxes to support it?
Me and the two children that I produced, and having only two children means the population doesn't increase.

The country being full up isn't the problem, old buggers not dying sharpish is.


Only if they are non productive.

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Really? I see bright, well motivated and talented individuals in the most part.


Hmm, perhaps I should get out more then.


There are plenty of job vacancies for these bright, well-motivated people of which you speak, so why are immigrants filling them?


NB. Please note, I have nothing against immigration in general, I just doubt that an excess of it will be positive. We are already struggling to house our own homeless population...

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