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The parkrun thread


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  • 3 weeks later...

Closer and closer........


Here is the latest on the parkrun situation. Relevant passages are below. For the full bulletin follow the link.


"It was fantastic to see more than 70,000 people participate at 672 parkrun events around the world last weekend. Amongst these we were delighted to see 146 junior parkrun events in action in England, and the first junior event to resume in Wales. Before the end of this month, another 40 junior 2k events are set to restart."


"Meanwhile we continue to gather permissions from landowners across England in readiness for the return of 5k events. We are working towards a deadline of 21 May to make a decision on whether events will be able to return on 5 June."



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With one week to go until parkrun makes an announcement on the planned return of events across England, currently only 161 of 589 5k events have landowner permission to return. As things stand, the return of the free, weekly, community events hangs in the balance, with organisers confirming that the number of permissions must increase significantly over the next seven days for any of the events to return on Saturday 5 June as planned.



So far, of our local events only Rotherham and Rother Valley have permission to restart.


Gasp! I agree with David Davis, now I need a lie down.


Edited by Flanker7
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The glass is 30% full. With a week to go before parkrun need to make a decision for England for 5th June the response from the Leeds and York areas has to be described as excellent. Norwich (not shown) is also excellent. Manchester and Liverpool are only about 50/50 at the moment and most of the other urban areas (not shown here) are not showing well - though of course with some great isolated permissions. If I were a betting man I'd have my money on 26th June, but I'd be nervously listening for announcements delaying Roadmap step 4. But there could be a great deal of change in a week.
There is a map, with the above item on facebook, which charts the 'yesses' and the 'no replies'. There is no indication of any 'noes'.
There is a tight knot of 6 parkruns with 'no reply' in Yorkshire. Come on Sheffield get your act together!
Edited by Flanker7
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More research backs up the restart of parkrun asap




I have contacted my local councillors to try to get a decision out of the Council. I also included Councillor Mary Lea who speaks for 'Culture, Parks and Leisure. Both she and your local Councillor can be found here:-



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Sheffield CC has given permission for parkrun to restart on Saturday 5th June. All we need now is for parkrun HQ to give the go ahead. However, the word on the street is that nationally a minimum of 50% need their permissions granted for parkrun to give the green light. 70-80% would be best.

Then there is London in general and Bushy in particular. Bushy is seen by some as a deal breaker, their 1000 runners would literally over-run other London venues if only a few are ready and have permission to restart.



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