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"Its not a race its a run"


Is it possible to 'cheat' at parkrun?


(There is a current thread on cheating at exercise.)


At Scunthorpe there are several massive corner cutting opportunities, cutting out 100 yards is possible in several places on the two laps. I have seen runners taking advantage of this and I know that the practice has been mentioned in their 'news' ( but I can't find it now, doh).


Graves currently has suspicions that someone is hiding in the woods for a whole lap before emerging to record a rapid finish.


Obviously these runners are cheating themselves.

But what, if anything, should parkrun do about this?

Is it anyone's job to 'grass them up' ?

If it is reported will proof be needed?

If accepted should they be erased from the results?

Does anyone know if there is an official 'parkrun' position?


As I alluded to the other week - the events at Clumber park led me to think about how park run is changing.


I went in the car to clumber (rather than jog down to RV) and saw one of our lads "barged" out of the way at the finish in a battle for 35th place or whatever.


It made me feel like I had gone to a race rather than joining a group of friends meeting up to go running. It all seemed very formal.


I know the organisation has to make money to pay for T shirts etc but the whole branded t-shirt and leisure wear for the 10 years is another step towards mainstream.


The park run concept is pretty punk rock - increased mass participation dilutes that quite a bit as the masses tend to spoil most things.


To answer your question about cheating - who cares ?


But aggro over something like this will spell the end of a park run somewhere with a run director not wanting the hassle anymore.


I dunno when but I fear it will be possibly sooner than we think.

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The cheaters are only cheating themselves, there is no Status to be gained as it isn't a "race" only perhaps bragging rights amongst your club mates or regular fellow park runners.

Most of us treat it as a more social event to meet up with like minded Idiots on a Saturday morning :D


What usually happens a Rovrem with it being a small numbers is that we count the numbers of runners as they pass the first checkpoint and with most of them being regulars you do tend to know who goes where but having said that a few weeks ago I went down to have a chat and a mingle as you do as I am still not able to run and whilst talking amongst ourselves the first finisher and the 2nd and 3rd placed runner went off to the right towards the finish line and it was at this point a lone female who was not a regular started to sprint towards the right hand side until we both looked at one another and turned to her and told her she had another lap to go, the look on her face was priceless :hihi: and she slowed down to an almost walking pace.

So it goes to show that some try it on and hope the marshalls are not watching what goes on.

ps....there is only place to take a short cut at Rovrem but you would be easily spotted :P

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Scunthorpe Event 31 report :- "The results would have been out even quicker if the team hadn't had to deal with people running only one lap and others trying to run into the funnel more than once.

As a reminder to all runners, the run is a 5k. That means 2 full laps - not one. Also, at least one runner was missing out significant chunks out of the course on the second lap in a bid to finish sooner. Can all parkrunners please not do that - you're only cheating yourselves and giving yourselves false PBs. It's much better to do the full course and give yourselves genuine PBs that can be more easily beaten next time."


This was Scunny's gentle reminder.

If all courses were like Rother Valley the subject would never occur ;0).

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Scunthorpe Event 31 report :- "The results would have been out even quicker if the team hadn't had to deal with people running only one lap and others trying to run into the funnel more than once.

As a reminder to all runners, the run is a 5k. That means 2 full laps - not one. Also, at least one runner was missing out significant chunks out of the course on the second lap in a bid to finish sooner. Can all parkrunners please not do that - you're only cheating yourselves and giving yourselves false PBs. It's much better to do the full course and give yourselves genuine PBs that can be more easily beaten next time."


This was Scunny's gentle reminder.

If all courses were like Rother Valley the subject would never occur ;0).


People should just walk from the start to the finish for the feeling of being first :thumbsup:

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Sort of to do with the same thrust about friendliness - what are people's thoughts here on buggy runners?


I've been training with a proper running pram, almost as resistance training. It's been really good, and the kids love it. I've run a couple of parkruns with the pram now in Hillsborough, and it's been very friendly - and no issues or even near misses. I've worked out that the safest thing to do is start nearer the front, so I'm seen and faster runners can avoid me easily, as following the official advice and starting at the back seems to be riskier - slower runners weaving ahead of me almost impossible to pass and understandably not knowing I'm there.


I'm wondering if sone of the bigger parkruns might not be so welcoming - there's a pretty strong dislike of pram runners amongst a lot online.


any thoughts?

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I think your are correct in starting at the front allowing anyone else to pass is far better than you having to negotiate others.

There's one at my local Parkrun (Rovrem) and no issues at all same goes for Locke Park in Barnsley both of these start at the front as well.

Interestingly today we had our first carry the dog around Parkrun :D

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I think your are correct in starting at the front allowing anyone else to pass is far better than you having to negotiate others.

There's one at my local Parkrun (Rovrem) and no issues at all same goes for Locke Park in Barnsley both of these start at the front as well.

Interestingly today we had our first carry the dog around Parkrun :D


Cool - glad the common sense is seen - it's just the official line is the opposite. I got round in 25.59 today with the pram - so would have had to pass a lot of the field from behind if I'd started at the back.


Wonder if it would be less friendly at endcliffe park.....

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There always used to be a buggy runner at Endcliffe when I regularly ran their parkrun a couple of years ago.

I do Graves now and rarely see buggy runners - I guess the rockier terrain makes it more tricky.


I think its great. Would have done it myself if I'd been able to afford a running buggy, rather than take 18 months off from parkrun!

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There always used to be a buggy runner at Endcliffe when I regularly ran their parkrun a couple of years ago.

I do Graves now and rarely see buggy runners - I guess the rockier terrain makes it more tricky.


I think its great. Would have done it myself if I'd been able to afford a running buggy, rather than take 18 months off from parkrun!


I bought a new one this week from the barnados shop just off Penistone road - £20! Needed a bit of TLC, but is otherwise great. Fixed wheel, hand break, lightweight - about 1/3 light her than my other running pram. Bargains to be had if you grub about a bit! :)

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