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Special consideration for opinion derived from religious conviction?

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This is just me, but personally I've always found faith a rather bemusing concept. It seems to some to be a virtue which is defined for convenience and does not derive from some basic principle. The best definition for faith I can come up with is "believing something because it's not true".


The question of the existence of a god is either true or false. It is not subjective. How choosing to believe (guessing) that a god exists makes one feel may be interesting, but it is wholly irrelevant to whether or not he/she actually does exist. We can debate whether a particular god exists, but either he/she exists or he/she does not. Existence is a binary state.


After all how can a god that only exists inside somebody's heart provide any of the services we expect from gods such as favours regarding weather, lotteries and the smiting of enemies; and of course the provision of an afterlife.

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Are you saying they (after indoctrination) lost their faith and then got it back through other means?
Again, thats down to individual experience. Some will not entirely lose their faith but will rebel against religious authority others will rarely, or never, choose to even think about it unless something happens that makes them do so.
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Again, thats down to individual experience. Some will not entirely lose their faith but will rebel against religious authority others will rarely, or never, choose to even think about it unless something happens that makes them do so.


So how would find faith if they never lost it in the first place?

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So how would find faith if they never lost it in the first place?
People can think they have lost their faith when they are going through a difficult period, I think it happens to many people at some stage in their life. It seems perfectly natural to me when you consider how complex human nature is.
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People can think they have lost their faith when they are going through a difficult period, I think it happens to many people at some stage in their life. It seems perfectly natural to me when you consider how complex human nature is.


How does someone 'think' they've lost their faith?

If they can't detect/aren't aware of any faith within them then, by definition, surely they are without faith

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How does someone 'think' they've lost their faith?

If they can't detect/aren't aware of any faith within them then, by definition, surely they are without faith

Because for a while,they may feel an absence of that spiritual awareness they had previously.
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